Mouse freezing for a few seconds

Hi everyone,

I have just installed Zorin 17 on a second Compaq laptop. The first one is working quite fine and I really enjoy the OS.
Immediately after the installation, I noticed that my HP mouse was not working properly. It sometimes lags or even freezes for a few seconds. It does it randomly. The mouse works perfectly well with my first computer. Do you think that I should make a new installation to try to solve the problem? Or is there anything to do? I am a new Linux user. If the terminal has to be used, could you give the different steps?
Thanks for your help.

It's a wireless mouse and I changed the battery just to be sure.

Is Your System running in Wayland or Xorg? to check that go to Settings>About and look for a Line called ''Display Manager'' or ''Window Manager'' or similar. Look if there stands Wayland or X11. If there should stand Wayland, try it with changing to X11/Xorg.

To do that, go to the Login Screen (not the Lock Screen). simply reboot for that. On the Login Screen click on Your Profile so that the Password Field appears. It has to be appeared. When it is appeared, You should see in the bottom right Corner a Gear Icon. Click on it and choose the Option ''Zotin Desktop on Xorg'' and then log in and test if it works better.

Another Thing: Look in the ''Additional Drivers'' Tab in Software & Updates if there is maybe a Driver is offered.

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Thanks very much for the advice I have followed. After a short test of about half an hour, it seems to work with Xorg. As a Windows user, I didn't even have the idea to click on the gear....But, I will have to test that more precisely in the next days. There was no driver update. I will give you a more precise feedback next week. Vielen Dank !!!

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You could try switch USB port for the receiver. There's different kind of USB versions and sometimes it helps to switch.

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USB ports also have memory issues. If you didn't put receiver in same port as when first used, it can cause issues. USB receivers remember where they were attached previously. Or put in another way, it's like adding new device, because nothing was in that port previously.

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Switching to Xorg on the Login Screen just solved the problem. Thanks.