My mouse wheel is completely uncontrollable, when I turn it the window scrolls down and up and vice versa. Since I got the script running it's scrolling so fast that I can no longer recognize it.
I did the following to solve the problem:
Install imwheel
sudo apt install imwheel
Create mousweheel script under /home/user/ and make it
The "Wheelies" dialogue appearing when executing the script has no effect, no matter wether executed as user or sudoer.
Unfortunately nothing works properly
There are no settings for this in the Zorin Settings and I can't find anything about it in the Gnome tweaks either.
What can I do to make the mouse wheel work as it should?
plugged in the from rear USB to front USB and set the scolling speed down with the mousewheel script:
Works better now but its still scolling foirst down and then a bit up again wenn I scroll down only.
OK sorry! I have to apologize to all of you, it was probably because of the cheap "fantastic" mouse!
I don't think it's broken, but it's just a bad production!
I tried it with my "Logitech B100" and everything works without any problems!