Music Streaming apps not working

Hello, after a few days of using zorin os, i was running into a problem. I cant seem to play any songs in any music streaming apps(spotify, harmony music, nuclear) and no error would show up, the progress bar wont even move. My speaker is working fine because i did some test beforehand and playing Youtube videos would also work too.

(I have a similar problem to thos other forum but i cant seem to find any good solutions)

Is that Problem since You begin to use these Streaming Apps or did they run well and now not more?

It was a problem ever since i started using Zorin Os, (even in the live version i can't still play musics)

Did You installed all Codecs? I mean: In Gnome Software You have a Category called ''Codecs'' when You scroll down on the Main Page. And when You click on it, you get a Variety of Codecs that You can install.

And another Thing: Are Your System runs with Wayland or Xorg?

Presumably audio generally works? You can, for instance, play stuff on YouTube in Firefox? What if you log into your streaming service from Firefox, does that work?

Also are the apps flatpak or snap? Flatpak and snap packages run in isolation from the system which means they can't connect to audio, I suspect. Flatpak and snap are two things I remove from any system that has them.

This suggestion kinda worked, most of my music clients works now with no issue (except for harmony music) but i think the problem can be resolved if i post a issue in their github

(Omg i almost forgot about this forum, im extremely sorry for this terribly late response)

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You could install more Codecs with the Terminal Command sudo apt install ubuntu-restricted-extras

This is a Package which includes AV Codes and MS Fonts. You will get there a Window for accepting Licence Agreement because these are not open. You can navigate there with the TAB-Key