Music widget

Hello guys,
Are there any music widgets for Zorin OS except Conky ?

For me, the default Rhythmbox is enough to play my soundtracks easily. I just need a simple music player, not a DJ console. What would you like from a music player? For example, simple playlist creation, music management from notifications, simple GUI and so on.

I am using Lollypop, and it's a great music player, I am wondering maybe there is a widget to display current playing music on desktop, just like the following photo or something like this

I tried to set Rhythmbox to make it look like your player but only horizontally, so not much good to see. While changing settings I messed up my Rhythmbox so now maybe I have to reinstall it, I hid options panels and now I can't restore my layout :person_facepalming::rofl:. By the way, to make it look like your player I think you'll have to download another player, or an extension if you prefer to have that look and manage your music easily from the taskbar. Just to start, you can simply resize Rhythmbox window with all your musics, move it to a desktop corner and let it there. If you prefer having it always on sight you can right-click the title bar and click Always on the foreground. Then you can also pause, resume and go to next or previous music from the time and date overlay, and even if you close Rhythmbox window you can still listen to music, it's not stopped.

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I guess I would stick to the Gnome notification area, it's enough to navigate and control over players

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@Tink made a very good conky for displaying Music player info that I am still using today.
For non-conky, you can check out Sunamu. It is built with Electron, so it is more resource heavy.

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I searched the forum under Tink posts, but I couldn't find anything :smiley:
I never touch Conky in these years I used PopOS then ZorinOS ... I think I am a little dump to installing Conky :smile: :smile: :smile:

If you run KDE there is usually a widget that shows up in the system tray and you can pause, next track, previous track. SMPlayer is a nice simple audio player. If you want to listen to some great Amiga .mod files the the best all round player is TiMidity++ richer sound than fluid synth IMHO:

KDE also provides widget while lockscreen is running!

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