My Dash gone

So the dask taskbar didnt show when i hover into it (im using the MacOs theme and i make that intelligently hide).

The dash also didnt show even its full screen

as you can see theres no dash. And I cant enter the dash setting on Zorin Appearance.
Screenshot from 2024-08-01 01-08-50

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Welcome to the forum!

When did this issue occur? Were you working on your computer and it suddenly stopped working, or did you update and reboot your computer and then it stopped showing?
Also, if you go in and change your theme and then change it back, does it possibly come back then? I've had a few times where my appearance needs to be reset after an update and then everything goes back to normal. Can't comment on if that's the case here, but it's worth a shot.

Hi. Thanks for the reply. I tried installing a 3rd party theme but apparently I didn't like the theme so I reset it to default, then the dash disappeared but if I accessed the windows icon on the keyboard, the dash was there.

I've tried changing the layout and the dash appear. Only in the layout that I have "reset to default" does not appear.

Ok so the theme is probably messing with that one layout then. Ideally removing that would be the solution, however I am currently at work and can't look into the exact method to fixing that issue. I've had it happen a couple times to me in a similar fashion, but I can't seem to recall when menu it is to fix this (I can't remember if it's Gnome-Tweaks or something else).

Hopefully someone else can help from here. If not, I can take a look later today when I get home and see what I can find.

What was the theme also? Wouldn't hurt taking a look that way.

I've deleted all the themes available in .local/share/themes because I was a bit confused about which theme was having the problem but it turns out it's still the same.

Actually this problem can be "fixed" if I change the layout to another one but it can't be denied that I still want to use the MacOS-like layout lol. Anyway, thank you!

The themes: Lavanda and Orchis.

Hmm. There should be a way to fix this. At least you can use another layout for now :slight_smile: . Hopefully someone else has an idea, like I said I've had this happen before, but I need to be at home to be able to remember what I did lol.

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Welcome to the Forum!

Do You use the Core or the Pro Version? Because in the Core Version is a Layout who You can see the MacOS like Dock but it isn't only on the Desktop; it is on the Overview and the App Grid when You press the Super (Windows) Key. It is the fourth Layout of the Choice. If You want a Dock on the Desktop there would be the Option to install the Dash-To-Dock Gnome Extension.

Or is this a Layout in the Pro Version? In this Case a Reinstallation could help. Because I don't have the Pro Version Idon't know how the Package Name of the Pro Layout Package is. then I could write down a Command with that You could try it.

As an Alternative to that I can suggest to take Synaptic. If You don't have it, install it with the Terminal Command sudo apt install synaptic and after the Installation open it. When it opens you have to type in your Password; that is normal. When it is open, search for zorin-appearance and it should show You a couple of installed Packages. Mark them for reinstall and reinstall them. And then try if all is good again.

If you not sure about the Entries, You can make a Screenshot of them and post it here so we can take a Look at it for Control.


Hi. Thanks for reply!

I'm using Pro version. I'm not sure about the entries because I don't know the name of the problematic layout, so I'll send a screenshot of zorin-appearance in Synaptic Package Manager
Synaptic Zorin Appearance

This is the problematic layout. Not sure about what its name.
Screenshot from 2024-08-02 14-42-24

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Thank You for the Screenshots.

That would be the green marked Ones. These are installed. But the Layout that You mean:

You mean the Dock at the Bottom, yes?

This doesn't shown up on the Desktop. It only is showning when You press the Super (Windows) Key and You are in the Overview and the App Grid. Because You are using the Pro Version you have more Layout Options. Did You tried this one instead:

Alternatively You could install the Gnome Extension Dash To Dock to get a Dock on Your Desktop. You could install it over the Gnome Extensions Website or with the Extension Manager Tool (Symbol is a blue Puzzle Piece) from the Gnome Software Store. I personally prefer the Tool but this is up to You.

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Sorry if this creates a misunderstanding, what I meant was the dock you marked.

Actually, if I press the windows key, the dock is in place. What I mean is that when I hover at the bottom (which is usually where the Windows taskbar is), the dock will appear. But, in this case, the dock doesn't appear even if I hover. that's why I'm confused, is there something wrong with the dash? because I activated the intelligently autohide feature.
Screenshot from 2024-08-02 19-36-43

Whereas, if we are on the home desktop, the dock will appear. (
Currently, I'm using a layout like the screenshot you sent.)

I will try the software you suggested. Thank you very much!

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Yes, that should not appear in this Layout:

Iit is only shown in the Overview when pressing the Super Key.

But, before I tried an external theme, I used that layout. and you know, actually, the dock still appears not only when pressing the super key, but also when I hover to the bottom

Hmm .. and You are sure that You have chosen this Layout and not the Pro One before? Because that doesn't work like this - it shouldn't work like this. You actually can see at the Picture itself. You have the Dock at the Bottom. Over this is a big Square what shows the current Workspace in the Overview. Left and right these partly Squares are the other Workspaces. So, the whole Perspective is the Overview when you press the super Key.

But if You want to try a Reinstallation, I could give You the Command:

sudo apt reinstall zorin-appearance zorin-appearance-layouts-shell-core zorin-appearance-layouts-shell-premium zorin-apprearance-layouts-support

As an alternative to the Terminal Command above you can use Synaptic and make a right-click on the grenn marked Pakcages and choose the Option to reinstall.


Just for knowledge and last stand, you can set it as you like it with the default taskbar settings tool. For short enable Intellihide Panel, enable floating rounded theme on its settings, decrease the panel length and remove all containers on Position section except Taskbar (which contains software shortcuts).

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I think it is still there:

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