My latest absences

Sorry for being around less and being less helpful, lately.

I have been pretty swamped with much going on.

This is just a heads up in case I am leaving members hanging or waiting for long periods for responses. If I am taking too long, don't feel shy to bump a thread or send a nudge as a reminder.

Hopefully I will be back to normal operating temperatures in the upcoming week.


We'll keep the fort meanwhile 8)


Don't mind. We are a community because we help each other.


I shall install emacs now :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Take your time, do your thing :+1:

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What the? Are you kidd... LOL...

It's OK dude. We get you feeling bad, but you shouldn't. No one should feel bad for not doing more than they can. You go well above and beyond...
Life, and the things with it are important too and there needs to be a healthy balance. Plus, if I had a big issue, I'd just DM you...LOL..

And from I'm reading, forum may be getting crazy any second now...

Good Luck to All 17 updaters. May it be a smooth process with Zero hiccups...

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Yeah, I am thinking about getting a flat tire around that time...


On almost every post asking for help with something on the forum I see, you are there, using your free time to help people. Everyone in here is very thankful towards you, and while it is true that you are usually the fastest to help, it's alright to not be available always. Before solving other people's problems, you got to solve your own problems first. If work, family or other personal circumstances are keeping you more busy than usual, don't worry, we all have our own lives and we understand the prioririties

I have also been more inactive here lately, mostly because of university, but when I have more free time i will try to help on problems I understand again

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