My pc. My observation

Today i installing Linux and taken research my new pc getting problems. The Kernel and version Ubuntu is to old. I installed Zorin 16.3 xfce
The problem is with my graphic card RX 6600.
I fixed grammay today because on tablet is very difficult to wrote anything with small frame.
I mean the window where I wrote now is very small and the tablet propably using some automatic translator - that sometimes my words not correctly on tablet.

graphics - How can I get my recent rx6600 not working with amdgpu official proprietary driver on Ubuntu 20.04.4? - Ask Ubuntu <-- Found this - I did have to install clinfo to see what was and wasn't enabled as well as intel-opencl to get the intel chips going. Didn't have to install anything for the Nvidia chip though :thinking: just using the proprietary drvier.

I get that issue with 60hz

Have you yet tried running:

sudo usermod -a -G video $LOGNAME

sudo usermod -a -G render $LOGNAME

No. I need working on my privacy. My account was hacked checked on pwned. I need considered what wrote before. Changing all passwords,emails, using ubikey. I need time to figure that.
I will waiting for new version Zorin 17 propably all problems then dissapeart.

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