My wifi card, Ethernet show unclaimed. Bluetooth, speaker both not working

Another user recently experienced this, as well... When they install Nvidia Driver, their internet stopped working.

This is most likely caused due to Kernel Module switching.

What you can try is rolling back to a previous working kernel (6.2, most likely) by booting, tapping esc or tab to pull up the Grub Menu, selecting Advanced Options for Zorin and selecting Zorin on 6.2.... (Do not select the Recovery option).

Once booted, remove Nvidia drivers and reinstall:

sudo apt remove --purge '^nvidia-.*'

sudo ubuntu-drivers install

Be sure to reboot afterward and again, use the grub menu and Advanced options... to test if everything is working.

The system will default to the latest kernel at boot, so if everything is working on the earlier kernel, we can help you remove the later kernel or set the earlier kernel to default boot.