My Zorin os 16 (my favourite distro) boots very very slow 🐌

Sir my laptop has nothing of Nvidia.
I have only intel in my laptop.

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@AdarshMeher You can try using Zorin OS 16 Lite, it is based on XFCE, a faster alternative to GNOME, on your Zorin OS 16. Your computer would boot faster and open apps much faster. Still, if it does not work, I would recommend to upgrade your hardware or you can upgrade your kernel or even install any other distribution of Linux, such as Ubuntu, or Fedora, which has the latest kernels (5.13 and even 5.14)

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I too have Intel processor, I was using Fedora and it booted up in less than 1 minute, even though I have a HDD.

(Fedora has latest kernels and GNOME 40, instead of GNOME 3.38 on Zorin, hence you can try it on dual-boot with Zorin and then tell me if you see any difference)

Oh. I have also downloaded fedora while choosing the right os for me. I have downloaded fedora 35. Some people have said me that using fedora as the default os does not give so much performance so I was a little afraid.
Should I install fedora?

I can decide based on your computer's specifications, to know whether it can run Fedora 35 properly.

Fedora 35 is also a good one, it has GNOME 41, and has an app called Connections, with which you can connect your Windows OS to that and use it in Linux itself.

My laptop has 4 GB ram. 500 GB hard drive, and intel 13 (don't know the generation).

I think this information is enough for you.

I have tried fedora I try mode. It was very smooth.

Should I install that?

Do you know neofetch?

Yes, I know about that.

Nice, then you can see the results of neofetch and please add the screen shot of it here.

100 watt charge, your battery is a low little, please recharge. Posting Mr. AdarshMeher's previous post, showing screenshot of their Screenfetch.

Oh sorry @StarTreker, need to recharge it.

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Now I am not near my laptop. I am sending you an old screenshot. Maybe that can help.

According to neofetch, you have a 4th generation Intel processor

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I would recommend installing Fedora 34, as 35 is a bit new, and I have used 34 my daily driver.

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Okay, my laptop is a very old laptop. My father has mouth this laptop when he was doing graphic design.

This laptop was the best and the most expensive laptop of that time but in today's world, this is a low-end laptop.

Can I install fedora 35?

An SSD will work fast on SATA 3 interfaces but SATA 2.

I've got that experience on a lot of Acer Aspire One 722 with AMD 2 Core C60/70 CPU and 8GB RAM. A Sata 3 drive on that old Netbooks with Sata 2 interface will just work as well as a 7200/10000 rpm HDD! Even if Crystal Disk Info shows 200+ MB/sec data transfer, the real speed is much lower.

The best boot time I was getting out of Zorin 16 Lite right now, is 1min 50sec on WD 500GB Black Scorpio 7200rpm HDD, while Windows 10 pro is about 1min.

I'm not really concerned about the boot speed, I'm concerned about the Data Transfer Speed! That is what really counts to me!


If Fedora is working smoothly on it, then you can install it. If not, then there is another alternative called Fedora Spins.

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I have heard about fedora spins

Yes, I have tried the Fedora workstation. It was very smooth and fast than Zorin. And it also co consumes less ram than Zorin os.

I am trusting you.
I will install that and if for some reason it doesn't give me performance then I will switch ageing to Zorin.