Names zorin os, zorin core

hard to find answer to simple question, are zorin core and zorin os the same

The Framework of each is the same. The primary difference that a user will notice is the Desktop Environment (DE).
Zorin OS Core uses the Gnome Desktop Environment.
Zorin OS Lite uses the XFCE Desktop Environment.

The available DE's on Linux can have many differences from eachother. While Windows OS or Mac OS locks you into one environment that it can fully control, Linux offers a wide variety of environments that gives you the most control, choosing which suits your needs, style or productive workflow the best.
Common DE's include Gnome and XFCE, but also KDE, LXDE, Cinnamon and many others.

The DE is your workstation. Where settings are, which settings are available, the appearance and layout, window management, sizing and tiling are all parts of the Desktop Environment.

I use Zorin OS Lite, as a I prefer the full-featured advantage of using the XFCE environment.

I was curious about the word "core" being used alot in the forum.
your explanation did explain why I have seen some gnome extensions that I use in ubuntu showing up in zorin os! I also use zorin lite on a t60 and its the best distro I have ever used on it.

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