Need 'Applications' on Top Bar

My upgrade to Zorin 17.2 wiped out my GNOME features and menu customization, including an 'Applications' drop-list pinned to the Top Bar (taskbar).

The Extensions menu item has been removed from Tweaks by the upgrade. Without it the only access to Applications is through Dash, which I find very cumbersome compared to an alpha-sorted drop-list pinned to the Top Bar.

Zorin needs to add 'Z' Menu access to Applications. Dash is a dude, IMHO.

Does anyone know how to add support for this feature back to Tweaks? I recall that it was a command line process. But can't seem to find it in the forums.

Thanks much!

Looks like Gnome devs have screwed over everyone:


Thanks for the input. I didn't realize that 'Applications' was listed in the LibAdwaita app. The old way was better, though. One-click access to a list of apps instead of three clicks. Thanks again.

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With the Extension Manager you can manage (install) gnome Extensions really good; I can recommend that Program. And when you want a Startmenu in the Top Bar and the Zorin-own one shouldn't work, you could use Arcmenu as a Replacement.

But it is a bit weird Behavior I would think. Did You tried to reinstall the Zorin OS Desktop or Zorin Appearance?

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