Need help creating/installing a 100GB boot partition, LUKS encrypted on a 500GB SSD

So I did some looking and every article I found for 20.04 base distros using Luks what disk encryption All warned against doing it if you had a Windows install on the same disk. Full disk encryption definitely won't work. Partition encryption probably will maybe but it seems like something funky happens when you have windows on the same disk.

But check out the second link someone has made instructions on how to do it that worked for them.

Thanks :slight_smile: but i dont have windows as a dual boot, if you see some kind of secondary thing above in my screenshots thats just the USB drive(Zorin install liveboot) i have plugged in. I dont have windows installed on that 500GB SSD. That SSD was totally wiped until i just made the 100GB LUKS partition.

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Sorry for the delay, I fell asleep.

I appreciate all your help. I'm going to bookmark this post & postpone this LUKS encrypting partition & just focus on installing ZorinOS without encryption. I'm even having problems creating a regular install on my new SSD. I will create a new post about it.
I've realized that LUKS partitions/OS's are dangerous & easily malfunction, get locked out of, & I have no way to back up my data right now. So LUKS is not a good idea actually, right now.

Since you are using Core, you may want to use Gnome ENCFS to encrypt and protect sensitive information.

You can also encrypt compressed files easily using the default Compression Tool.

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