Need help in changing the sound

i want to change the sound when usb is plugged in or plugged out how can i do it

@Aravisian or @StarTreker please help me

Hello! I hope you are enjoying Zorin OS 16 so far.

I might be able to help you, but this may not be the exact answer you are looking for, its the best that I got.

(1) Please install Gnome Tweaks. You can find it in the Software Store.

(2) Please note, systems sounds are located in this directory


Event sounds are located in their respective folders. Custom sound folders can be placed in here, but only once elevated to root privileges. sudo nautilus

Use Gnome Tweaks to select a different sound pack. By default it will be Zorin. But I am using a Star Labs theme pack, so I recently elected to use Star Labs.


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