.net framework does not install

Bildschirmfoto vom 2024-02-17 13-05-08

I just want to install an app from Windows with wine. My Zorin OS 17 requires the installation of .net Framework 4.5 first, but the installation freezes at "Downloading netfx_Full_LDR.mzz". What can I do?

See if Aravisian's solution helps:

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Hm, thank you for your tip. I've looked at your link, but I can't quite figure out whether I've installed everything I need (see screenshot).

@Aravisian is the best person to help on this.

If using Snap, it should carry all dependencies needed.
I installed through APT.

Anything else you might need would be dependent on why you are installing the .NET framework...

I would like to install the Suuntolink_installer.exe for my Suunto GPS watch. Where can I get the missing app or which code do I have to enter? Many thanks for your help.

Have you seen this guide, yet?

Thanks for your hint, @Aravisian ! I have followed the steps. However, my computer got stuck (again) at step 5 "Install SuuntoLink" (see screenshot) when it is downloading netfx_Full_LDR.mzz.

If I am correct, then I would have to fix the error message in the section below. But I don't know how. Could you please help me?

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