Networkprinting: Can't see the printer

Hey. I connected the printer with my notebook, directly from network socket to socket and over an switch, with the same result. In "Printers" I click "Add", the printer can't be find. I manually filled in the IP. I tried 2 cables, and the switch is always available. So I think, the cables are OK.

No router! Just the ethernetcables beetween the devices.

Do you have a router in there somewhere with the switch; or are they just connected to the switch, no router?

Thanks for your question. No router, dircet connection with or without switch.

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Can we start from scratch? What is make and model of Printer?

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If you want to use it without a router - you'll need to address both printer and PC on the same subnet; so, something like: /24, and /24 (/24 = btw). This is not ideal.. as it may not even work correctly.

Does the printer not have a USB port to use?? I would think that would be the easiest of solutions - unless you're trying to share specifically over Ethernet. In that case, you'll have to introduce that switch to a port into the router so it can talk. Even with the USB port, you can share that printer on your network through the PC it's connected to via USB. Little more setup, but uses the PC to share the printer to others - has to be on to work..

Think like a PC to PC connection using Ethernet - with that setup you'll need a crossover cable. Much like the PC to PC connection, the printer and PC are trying to 'talk' Rx and Tx over the same wires. When a crossover cable is used, it swaps the middle pair on the other side so that Tx can send on Rx, and Rx can talk over Tx - annoying, I know.. much like with serial!

Try USB - if USB doesn't work, we can try getting that switch to the router - if at all possible.. I used to have to use a modded Linksys router to mitigate not having wireless on my Xbox - used it as an access point :joy: ..

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