Newest Update From Zorin

When this happened during the last big Zorin Update for me it was 4/7/2023 ..... I just thought it was a fluke but today this large update did the same thing today 7/7/ 2023 .....

Right in the middle of updating my screen went black and a cursor in the left hand upper corner started blinking ..... I let it blink for 45 mins after which I hit ctrl / alt / delete to which I got no response just like last time .... but instead of doing a hard shutdown I waited a few seconds and this message appeared ..... please see photo ..... sorry for the poor quality .....

About a minute later the cursor appeared back in the left hand upper corner but didn't blink and I noticed my WiFi dongle started blinking like crazy which told me something was being downloaded ..... it didn't do that the last time ..... after about 60 sec. the log-in screen appeared and I was able to open Zorin .....

Now I know in the past when ever there was a big update if I was required to do a reboot it told me to do so not just go to a blank screen with a blinking cursor ..... that's something Windows would do ......

Any ideas ???????? ......

This looks like a race condition. I can see you have Nvidia and intel graphics.

I tried looking into known bugs and came back with a list as long as my arm dealing with Different kernels from 5.15 through 5.17, Nvidia drivers and initrd.

Without really nailing down the culprit.

So - you did not restart due to an update - you restarted due to a system crash that resulted from the update.

Do you have Nvidia set as dedicated for heavy use only?
If not, that may be a way to prevent this issue. I have Nvidia set to only be used on demand.

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Looks like I have two settings for Nvidia ..... Performance and On Demand ..... it is set to On Demand .....

There is also an Intel Power Saving Mode ......

...And, I could be wrong...
What is the terminal output of

dkms status

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mike@mike-ROG-Strix-G731GT-G731GT:~$ dkms status
nvidia, 535.54.03, 5.15.0-76-generic, x86_64: installed
rtl88x2bu,, 5.15.0-75-generic, x86_64: installed
rtl88x2bu,, 5.15.0-76-generic, x86_64: installed

I am on the 525 instead of the 535 Nvidia driver.

Well, it shows as your driver being assigned to the kernel with dkms.

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I've been using 535 for several months now used it when it first came out .....

What is the brand of the Notebook?

It is a Asus ..... here is the neofetch info .... hosts name is the model number ....

Not the answer I expected. Well... is nvidia-smi working?

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I have had no problems with the graphics even when playing games .... so I guess so

Run nvidia-smi in terminal.

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Well actually it went to a black screen both times while downloading an update ..... the first time I waited for about 15 mins than did a hard shutdown ..... that was on on 7/4/23 (sorry I said 4/7/23 above) ....

Then today on 4/7/23 I waited 45 mins before trying to get out of the blank (except for the flashing cursor) but instead of a hard shutdown I hit the C/A/D keys and it went into the login screen after the message above .....

mike@mike-ROG-Strix-G731GT-G731GT:~$ nvidia-smi
No devices were found

So, it is not working, then.
Can you try switching to the 525 driver - then reboot. Then try running the smi command again?

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Sure give me a few minutes ....

Now it is working - let's try the 525 driver for a while...

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Sounds good to me ..... thank you sir for your time and patients .... :+1: ...... or is that patience ....

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Aravisian has lots of patients here on the forum, maybe we should call him Dr. Aravisian :slight_smile: