NFS mount in fstab

I have a NFS share on my OMV server which I can mount on my ZorinOS-laptop via terminal. I would like to add this mount as soon as the laptop starts. I understand that the way to achieve this, is to add the share to the fstab-file on my laptop. I tried this but it won't mount.

The terminal command:
sudo mount -t nfs server.ip.number/Data /home/wouter/mnt/nfs

The lines I added to my fstab:

server.ip.number:/Data /mnt/nfs nfs auto,nfsvers=4,timeo=30,retrans=5,intr,tcp 0 0

What am I missing here?

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On the first one behind number is no : but on the 2nd one is behind SERVER a : and on the 3rd one behind number, too.
Maybe this is a Thing?