It will not install the downloads? Please see the 2 screenshot images.
Hi, is your software sources set to 'Main Server'? Click on the Settings button, then go to the first tab after you click on Settings. The default setting is for your country server. Updates take longer to filter through. It is one of the first things I recommend after installing any version of Zorin. Also how do you connect, ethernet or wireless? Check you havenct accidentally disabled wireless or any issues with ethernet cable.
Could you open the Terminal and type there sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
and post the Output here? Maybe there are some Error Messages that offer more Details.
I cam cat6 cable connected. I had telegram running when the error Msgs came.
Update, I attempted to change from custom to All Updates & didn't see the label change after authentication, but it seems to do a hiccup and then all of a sudden start to do the updates....... and it completed succesfully. It's all good. Thanx for the help.
On searching for whether Telegram on Linux interferes with updates (it doesn't) I did find this as the first result:
OK, thanks, I will have a read.
Software updates SOLVED. The old graphics card wouldn't find satisfactory drivers. I pulled it and went back to the generic VGA and it's all good.
I do not locate the SOLVED button?
You can find the "Solved" box under your post. Click on that.
There is one marked SOLUTION that I can find. I clicked that?
Yes.Click that.