No wifi networks are showing. I need help fixing this or safely uninstalling it

You said install, earlier. In the post you just replied to, I never said anything about Downloading Apps, though. I asked if you can Access the Permissions on the iMac file manager.

I apologize. I would actually like to reinstall Windows. There was no way to access permissions

I had thought the Library computer was Windows.
Looking at the above page- Etcher for MacOS (iMac?) Does not offer a portable version.
Perhaps one of the librarians can be Helpful?

Sorry for making it unclear, I want to reinstall Windows on my personal laptop, the one currently running zorin.

I understand. There's been a lot of information passing through this thread.

If I may ask... You have access to the Library Computer and while you cannot install apps on that computer- can you download files directly to your USB stick or Pen drive?
If so, you may be able to get the Internet working on your Personal Laptop that has Zorin. Once you do that and can access the net on Zorin, you can then download an installer for Windows (I am not sure how that works, honestly... I stopped using Windows shortly before Win 10 came out. I used XP right up to a couple of months on Win 7.)
Since that would be your personal machine, you could download and install any apps you want.
You would then also have the option of Dual Booting Windows and Zorin OS.

How could I get wifi on my personal laptop? Do I need to connect the computers in some way?

My logic is: If you have access to the net at the library computer and a USB drive, you can download the needed drivers onto the USB stick, then move the USB stick to your personal laptop and install it.
I feel your pain. This is a very frustrating issue to solve.

Would you mind walking me through it? I know that developers work very hard to help people, so it would be greatly appreciated!

You are not alone in that particular device struggling with Ubuntu 18.04 (Zorin OS 15). Zorin OS 16 is based on Ubuntu 20.04.
I searched for Ubuntu 20.04 (Zorin OS 16) and I found pages where people said that Wifi worked on their computer on 20.04 but not 18.04.

I believe that the driver you need is this one:

Once you have the .deb file saved on your USB stick, plug the USB stick into your Personal Notebook and move the rtl88x2ce-dkms_35403_amd64.deb file to your HOME FOLDER.
Then open a terminal and enter in the following to install it:

sudo dpkg -i rtl88x2ce-dkms_35403_amd64.deb

I got an error notification saying The Error message was : ' BrokenCount > 0'. This usually means that your installed packages have unmet dependencies

I think that that isn't supposed to happen.

I think at this stage, you have 2 options.

Hardware solution:
Purchase USB WiFi dongle which has a chipset known to work in Linux (Realtek 8188 C US or RT5370) (about 6 Euro where I live and it should not cost more than 10 Euro)

Temporary connect internet with this dongle. Install a driver for your hardware. After that you can connect internet without dongle. I've heard someone managed to borrow a USB dongle from a friendly computer repair shop. But since your hardware is not supported in Linux kernel, it might be a good idea to have it for future needs.

Software solution:
Create an installer USB for either Windows (known to work) or Zorin 16 (possibly works) and install over the current Zorin 15,3.

Since you do not have an internet connection on your system, I think the easiest way is to ask someone who has a computer to do it for you.

I agree. I've never heard of that. That is to the point of wondering if your initial OS Installation was corrupted.

When I was in the bios menu, I saw an option that said something along the lines of "boot from Windows", do you think I should try it?

This would only work if you have a bootable Windows installed on your system.

Oh, nevermind then.

Do you know if you could put a bootable disc drive into a file sharing program? I think it would be a lot quicker since I can just put it on a usb and boot from therre

As in Windows or zorin?

I do not think so.
iso file has to be burnt on CD/DVD or written into USB drive using a bootable USB maker such as Rufus (which basically simulate CD/DVD disk).

Okay, I completely understand. I'll ask a friend for help.