No wifi when zorin installed

Hi all,
I have installed Zorin 16 on two macs (differnt models). One went off without a hitch.
The second one (mac air model A 1304) allowed me to find wifi (and connect) at first stage (pre) of installation-but then the wi-fi icon does not show after installation. Just the network icon.
I can't get to the uefi after exhausing all options-in case that solution/option is enabled in boot.
I can get to the network area and input the wi-fi details. But still no connection.
I would really appreciate any help or suggestions. (Am a little frustrated at this point)
Many thanks, in advance

Can you please post the output from terminal for

sudo lshw -C network

If it shows "Broadcom",
Try connecting using your phone as Mobile Hotspot tethered with USB cable or using Ethernet if it is working.
Run in terminal:

sudo apt install firmware-b43-installer b43-fwcutter bcmwl-kernel-source

Once done, disconnect tethered phone or Ethernet, reboot and test wifi...

Broadcom considers their drivers as "Proprietary" so the automatic installer is not permitted to install them (provided by distribution). But the user is permitted to install them.

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If it worked in the installer, you should be able to plug that installer in while logged in, open the Software Updater, hit the 'Settings' button on the bottom left of the window, then at the top go to 'Additional Drivers' - might pop up there for install as well; if tethering doesn't work.

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A note - the user may need to enable the CD:Rom option in the Software & Updates "Other Software" sources list, first.

If a user enables it - they should always remember to immediately disable it once they have completed the task that they set out to do.

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I had this issue on certain Windows laptops due to the UEFI being On. Once I switch to Legacy mode the WiFi would work post install. I believe on Mac's you don't have this option.

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