As a kid in the 80's I can relate to this. I usually had a little screwdriver to fine adjust the tape-recorder so the color on the screen was flashing as it should. Yeah, I had no cartridge or floppy drive and I usually wrote some programs myself.
Nope ..... I am way older than that ....
Just kidding
Almost .... but I did have my picture taken with Cleopatra & Mark Antony .... now there was a fun loving couple ..... until she was bitten by an Asp ..... they rushed her to the Emergency Room but she never recovered ..... some say that it was caused when they presented her with the bill and her insurance had expired and she wasn't old enough for Medicare Medicaid
Great loss we mourned for her for over a month ....
Moral to the story is "don't grab your Asp with your hand"
I think I had Frogger on cassette tape for Sinclair Spectrum. @Frog 's natural envirinment maybe?
Frog, my first job was key punching (old IBM cards)
in the late 1960s). Even booted (using instructions) a DEC main frame using toggle switches and punched paper tape (70s).
I also remember when music cassettes were HOT! New! technology. And yes I do 'creak' a bit when I walk
I never had a Commodore 64 but I did have a Spectrum 128+ with Heat Sink - precursor to the ones that Alan Sugar bought out Spectrum, the last one being the 128 Mk.III as with Mk.II had a built on cassette deck. I used to love getting the latest games on Sinclair Spectrum Magazine!
Talking of Nostalgia, does anyone recognise this?:
I've still got mine!
Casio was originally a calculator manufacturer and wanted to enter the computer market. Unfortunately, they failed and most of what they make now are watches. I like their watches though.
I had a Casio keyboard back then.
The first video game I recall was Pong -
Hubby and I played it (circa early 1970s) at the local pizza parlor where it was set up as a arcade type game.
Actually the very first 'computer' game that I saw (didn't play) was a 'gravity well' one on an IBM 365 mainframe. The engineers and techs at Fairchild R&D would get that game going (deck of punched cards - batch mode), taking turns to see who could score best (longest time before crash?).
Just to give you an idea of how far back this was - Fairchild was in the development of a 1K bit 'memory' (DIP) chip. My job was laying out connection on a schematic which could then be made into a multilayered DIP (dual inline package) 'chip'. Oh has tech advanced since then!
I seem to remember that we had a Casio calculator (late 1970s?) when the Texas Instruments 'scientific' calculators were very expensive ($200-300??). Later had Casio digital watches when those were like $5!
The first British Gaming Console came with Pong - The Teleng Console - I had one as an old teenager.
I remember it somewhere existing @Storm created what i remember but could be another name topic. If I am not wrong.
Nostalgia - Do you reconize this? here is link. Propably some administrator can move your topic there.
Posts merged.
That Telex machine is simply awesome with the Rotary Dial.
The telex looks vaguely familiar, but I'm just too old to remember.. lol
And to think, at one point that was top of the line, most advanced.