Not able to get Remmina - or any other remote desktop apps to work

Hello, there. I'm not able to get remote desktop to work in any way, shape or form. I can only connect to the server FROM the server, which is not that helpful, but certainly a psychedelic experience to behold with its infinite reflections. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. In Settings I've enabled Sharing and Remote Desktop. I've also enabled Legacy VNC protocol. I'm trying to connect from a Linux machine to a Linux machine, which both have Zorin OS. The message I get is "Unable to connect to VNC server". Which is not very helpful. I've also tried the RDP protocol. The thing is, I've tried other remote desktop apps too and none of them work. So either I'm completely incompetent, which may very well be the case, or there's a configuration error somewhere over the rainbow causing this problem. I've also turned off the firewall on both machines. Still the same problem.

Any pointers?

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Do you have a firewall on your router? Such is the case with newer routers, that could be something. I discovered that when I upgraded mine and it had a nice big ol' firewall on it, which is fine... once I figured out it had it. In addition, is this a local machine on the same network, or on a completely different network?

You can try logging in under a different display server, Xorg, instead of the default which is Wayland. To do this, simply logout from your account so you're back at the login screen. You will see a button on the lower right with two choices:

Select the one with Xorg in the name, and try again.

Another option if this does not work is with the package format that you're using. If this doesn't work, we can take a look at that.

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The computers are on the same LAN. The router/modem is provided by my ISP. I presume there's some kind of firewall there, but I don't want to fiddle with that yet. I took the router out of the equation and just connected two of my computers to each other with an ethernet cable and assigned them static IP addresses. So now I had a cozy little network of two computers with no firewall, but still I get the same error message "Unable to connect to VNC server". Again, I can only connect to the server from the server. I know the computers are connected because I get a reply when I ping either of them and all the shares are available.

Tried Xorg. No change. Same error message: "Unable to connect to VNC server". Now the error message comes instantly, it's not even trying to connect. I reactivated the firewall and allowed in and out traffic on the VNC port and the RDP port. Then uninstalled the Zorin Remmina package and tried both the flatpak and the snap. No change. Same error message. So I guess I give up, or?

So with the two computers connected via ethernet, are you able to connect to each other other ways? Or is that still broken? You might need a crossover cable for that, possibly. Since you manually setup the ethernet config, you should be able to get there for something such as file transfers easily. If that doesn't work, I would then ask what you're trying to enter when connecting to each other.

The computers were definitely connected. I could ping them and transfer files in shared folders.
Now I'm back with the original setup which is a standard WLAN. One of the computers connects via wifi, the other is connected to the router with an ethernet cable. It doesn't matter if I try to connect with the IP address or the hostname. The error message is the same. Now the error message comes immediately, even after I uninstalled Remmina and purged the config files and reinstalled the original app.

Update: So the only way I can get this thing to sort of work is to be logged in at the target machine, use RDP and configure it to require no password to establish a connection. That's incredible impractical and unsafe, and NOT what I want. It means I have to physically go to the target machine and accept the request for a connection. If I configure a user name and a password, I get an authentication failure when trying to connect. The whole thing is completely absurd and useless.

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So both machines are in the same location, on the same network? Remmina is for remote login. For example I had a better experience with Remmina whilst working from home to login to the works shared server with just one login, using Edge in a VM of Windows 8.1 Pro required 3 separate logins.

Maybe is worth looking into the logs to see if there's anything useful there. You can enable debugging mode from the hamburger menu, and leave that window open while trying to connect.

For reference:

Yes, both machines are on the same LAN. As I wrote earlier, I connected two machines together with an ethernet cable. I did it because I wanted to troubleshoot Remmina within a very simple network. Still didn't work. Why Remmina would work in your much more complicated setup is beyond me.

Because it says what it does on the tin, Remmina remote!

Thank you for this helpful information :upside_down_face:

Thank you for the suggestion, but I didn't really get any wiser after looking at the debugging log. Tried to connect four times. Two times RDP/VNC with password and two times without. Either I get an authentication failure error message, even though the log says it was successful, or when I try to connect without a password the connection closes immediately.
Maybe someone more observant than me can spot any useful information:

(DEBUG) - (rcw_map_event) - Mapping: RemminaConnectionWindow
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_map_event) - Calling plugin mapping function
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_open_connection_real) - Opening connection
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_init) - Disable smooth scrolling is set to 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_init) - Adding GDK_SMOOTH_SCROLL_MASK
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_open_connection_real) - Have SSH
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - RDP data path is /home/kermit/.local/share/remmina/RDP
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Not using system proxy settings
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_tunnel_init) - Tunnel init
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - SSH tunnel initialization…
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port (tunnel)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - server: [IP address here], port: 3389
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_tunnel_init) - protocol_plugin_start_direct_tunnel() returned [IP address here]:3389
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_tunnel_init) - Tunnel has been optionally initialized. Now connecting to [IP address here]:3389
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - gfx_h264_available: 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Resolution set by the user: 596x440
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Resolution set after workarounds: 596x440
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_type: (null)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_username: (null)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_password: (null)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_hostname: (null)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_port: 80
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - rdp_keyboard_remapping_list: (null)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_post_connect) - bpp: 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_post_connect) - CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelConnectedEventHandler) - Channel rdpdr has been opened
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelConnectedEventHandler) - Channel rdpsnd has been opened
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelConnectedEventHandler) - Channel cliprdr has been opened
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_connected) - [2024-10-02T14:29:15.714420+03] - muppetshow - kermit - Connected to [IP address here] via RDP
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelConnectedEventHandler) - Channel drdynvc has been opened
(DEBUG) - (rf_auto_reconnect) - maxattempts from default: 20
(DEBUG) - (rf_auto_reconnect) - maxattempts from general preferences: 20
(DEBUG) - (rf_auto_reconnect) - maxattempts from general plugin: 20
(DEBUG) - (rf_auto_reconnect) - maxattempts set to: 20
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main_loop) - [2024-10-02T14:29:15.715408+03] - muppetshow - kermit - Disconnected from [IP address here] via RDP
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelDisconnectedEventHandler) - Channel rdpdr has been closed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelDisconnectedEventHandler) - Channel rdpsnd has been closed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) - gp=0x5baea9cd58b0 sending to server the following local clipboard content formats
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) - local clipboard format UTF8_STRING will be sent to remote as 13
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) - local clipboard format TEXT will be sent to remote as 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) - local clipboard format text/plain;charset=utf-8 will be sent to remote as 13
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) - local clipboard format text/plain will be sent to remote as 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelDisconnectedEventHandler) - Channel cliprdr has been closed
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - Connect signal emitted
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelDisconnectedEventHandler) - Channel drdynvc has been closed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main_loop) - RDP client disconnected
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - We save the last successful connection date
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_state_last_success) - State file /home/kermit/.cache/remmina/remmina.pref.state.
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_state_last_success) - Last connection made on 20241002.
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - Saving credentials
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - Trying to present the window
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_disconnect) - Disconnect signal received on RemminaProtocolWidget
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_disconnect) - Disconnected
(INFO) - use_master_password already migrated
(DEBUG) - (rcw_map_event) - Mapping: RemminaConnectionWindow
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_map_event) - Map plugin function not implemented
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_open_connection_real) - Opening connection
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_init) - Disable smooth scrolling is set to 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_init) - Adding GDK_SMOOTH_SCROLL_MASK
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_open_connection_real) - Have SSH
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - SSH tunnel initialization…
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_open_connection) - [2024-10-02T14:30:58.422859+03] - muppetshow - kermit - Connected to [IP address here]:5900 via VNC
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port (tunnel)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - server: [IP address here], port: 5900
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_main) - Color depth: 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_update_quality) - Quality: 9
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_update_quality) - Encodings: copyrect zlib hextile raw
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: colordepth = 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.depth = 24
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.bitsPerPixel = 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.blueShift = 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.redShift = 16
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.trueColour = 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.greenShift = 8
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.blueMax = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.redMax = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.greenMax = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.bigEndian = 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: VNC server supports protocol version 3.8 (viewer 3.8)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: We have 1 security types to read
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 0) Received security type 2
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Selecting security type 2 (0/1 in the list)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Selected Security Scheme 2
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: VNC authentication succeeded
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: read (104: Connection reset by peer)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_main) - Client initialization failed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - SSH tunnel initialization…
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port (tunnel)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - server: [IP address here], port: 5900
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_main) - Color depth: 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_update_quality) - Quality: 9
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_update_quality) - Encodings: copyrect zlib hextile raw
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: colordepth = 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.depth = 24
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.bitsPerPixel = 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.blueShift = 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.redShift = 16
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.trueColour = 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.greenShift = 8
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.blueMax = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.redMax = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.greenMax = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.bigEndian = 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: VNC server supports protocol version 3.8 (viewer 3.8)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: We have 1 security types to read
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 0) Received security type 2
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Selecting security type 2 (0/1 in the list)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Selected Security Scheme 2
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: VNC authentication succeeded
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: read (104: Connection reset by peer)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_main) - Client initialization failed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - SSH tunnel initialization…
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port (tunnel)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - server: [IP address here], port: 5900
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_main) - Color depth: 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_update_quality) - Quality: 9
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_update_quality) - Encodings: copyrect zlib hextile raw
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: colordepth = 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.depth = 24
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.bitsPerPixel = 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.blueShift = 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.redShift = 16
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.trueColour = 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.greenShift = 8
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.blueMax = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.redMax = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.greenMax = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.bigEndian = 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: VNC server supports protocol version 3.8 (viewer 3.8)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: We have 1 security types to read
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 0) Received security type 2
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Selecting security type 2 (0/1 in the list)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Selected Security Scheme 2
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Reading password failed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_main) - Client initialization failed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_main) - Client not connected with error: Reading password failed
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_disconnect) - Disconnect signal received on RemminaProtocolWidget
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_disconnect) - Disconnected
(INFO) - use_master_password already migrated
(DEBUG) - (rcw_map_event) - Mapping: RemminaConnectionWindow
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_map_event) - Calling plugin mapping function
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_open_connection_real) - Opening connection
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_init) - Disable smooth scrolling is set to 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_init) - Adding GDK_SMOOTH_SCROLL_MASK
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_open_connection_real) - Have SSH
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - RDP data path is /home/kermit/.local/share/remmina/RDP
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Not using system proxy settings
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_tunnel_init) - Tunnel init
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - SSH tunnel initialization…
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port (tunnel)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - server: [IP address here], port: 3389
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_tunnel_init) - protocol_plugin_start_direct_tunnel() returned [IP address here]:3389
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_tunnel_init) - Tunnel has been optionally initialized. Now connecting to [IP address here]:3389
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - gfx_h264_available: 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Resolution set by the user: 596x440
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - Resolution set after workarounds: 596x440
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_type: (null)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_username: (null)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_password: (null)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_hostname: (null)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - proxy_port: 80
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main) - rdp_keyboard_remapping_list: (null)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_post_connect) - bpp: 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_post_connect) - CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelConnectedEventHandler) - Channel rdpdr has been opened
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelConnectedEventHandler) - Channel rdpsnd has been opened
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelConnectedEventHandler) - Channel cliprdr has been opened
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_event_connected) - [2024-10-02T14:36:04.236435+03] - muppetshow - kermit - Connected to [IP address here] via RDP
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelConnectedEventHandler) - Channel drdynvc has been opened
(DEBUG) - (rf_auto_reconnect) - maxattempts from default: 20
(DEBUG) - (rf_auto_reconnect) - maxattempts from general preferences: 20
(DEBUG) - (rf_auto_reconnect) - maxattempts from general plugin: 20
(DEBUG) - (rf_auto_reconnect) - maxattempts set to: 20
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main_loop) - [2024-10-02T14:36:04.237748+03] - muppetshow - kermit - Disconnected from [IP address here] via RDP
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelDisconnectedEventHandler) - Channel rdpdr has been closed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelDisconnectedEventHandler) - Channel rdpsnd has been closed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) - gp=0x5baea9cd5d30 sending to server the following local clipboard content formats
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) - local clipboard format UTF8_STRING will be sent to remote as 13
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) - local clipboard format TEXT will be sent to remote as 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) - local clipboard format text/plain;charset=utf-8 will be sent to remote as 13
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_cliprdr_get_client_format_list) - local clipboard format text/plain will be sent to remote as 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelDisconnectedEventHandler) - Channel cliprdr has been closed
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - Connect signal emitted
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_OnChannelDisconnectedEventHandler) - Channel drdynvc has been closed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_rdp_main_loop) - RDP client disconnected
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - We save the last successful connection date
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_state_last_success) - State file /home/kermit/.cache/remmina/remmina.pref.state.
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_state_last_success) - Last connection made on 20241002.
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - Saving credentials
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - Trying to present the window
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_disconnect) - Disconnect signal received on RemminaProtocolWidget
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_disconnect) - Disconnected
(INFO) - use_master_password already migrated
(DEBUG) - (rcw_map_event) - Mapping: RemminaConnectionWindow
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_map_event) - Map plugin function not implemented
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_open_connection_real) - Opening connection
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_init) - Disable smooth scrolling is set to 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_init) - Adding GDK_SMOOTH_SCROLL_MASK
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_open_connection_real) - Have SSH
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - SSH tunnel initialization…
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_open_connection) - [2024-10-02T14:36:15.860127+03] - muppetshow - kermit - Connected to [IP address here]:5900 via VNC
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - Calling remmina_public_get_server_port (tunnel)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_start_direct_tunnel) - server: [IP address here], port: 5900
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_main) - Color depth: 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_update_quality) - Quality: 9
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_update_quality) - Encodings: copyrect zlib hextile raw
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: colordepth = 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.depth = 24
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.bitsPerPixel = 32
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.blueShift = 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.redShift = 16
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.trueColour = 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.greenShift = 8
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.blueMax = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.redMax = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.greenMax = 255
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: format.bigEndian = 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: VNC server supports protocol version 3.8 (viewer 3.8)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: We have 2 security types to read
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 0) Received security type 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Selecting security type 1 (0/2 in the list)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 1) Received security type 2
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Selected Security Scheme 1
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: No authentication needed
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: VNC authentication succeeded
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Desktop name "GNOME"
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Connected to VNC server, using protocol version 3.8
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: VNC server default format:
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 32 bits per pixel.
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Least significant byte first in each pixel.
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: TRUE colour: max red 255 green 255 blue 255, shift red 16 green 8 blue 0
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_main) - Client initialization successfull
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_main) - Client connected
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - Connect signal emitted
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - We save the last successful connection date
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_state_last_success) - State file /home/kermit/.cache/remmina/remmina.pref.state.
(DEBUG) - (remmina_file_state_last_success) - Last connection made on 20241002.
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - Saving credentials
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_connect) - Trying to present the window
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Got new framebuffer size: 1920x1080
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: client2server supported messages (bit flags)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 00: 00ff 0081 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 08: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 10: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 18: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0008
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: server2client supported messages (bit flags)
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 00: 001f 0080 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 08: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 10: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: 18: 0000 0000 0000 0000 - 0000 0000 0000 0000
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: Connected to Server "GNOME Remote Desktop (VNC) (LibVNCServer 0.9.13)"
(DEBUG) - (rcw_map_event) - Mapping: RemminaConnectionWindow
(DEBUG) - (remmina_protocol_widget_map_event) - Map plugin function not implemented
(DEBUG) - (remmina_plugin_vnc_rfb_output) - VNC returned: VNC server closed connection
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_disconnect) - Disconnect signal received on RemminaProtocolWidget
(DEBUG) - (rco_on_disconnect) - Disconnected

Appears you can use it on a LAN. You need to ensure that the computer you wish to connect to is a server or has server packages installed. This from Brave A.I.:

Remmina on Local LAN Use

Yes, you can use Remmina to remotely access a desktop on a local LAN. Remmina is a remote desktop client that supports various protocols, including VNC, RDP, SSH, and others. Since your query focuses on a local LAN, we’ll assume you’re looking to access a machine within the same network.

Based on the provided search results, Remmina can be used to connect to a remote desktop on a local LAN, as long as:

  1. Both machines are connected to the same LAN: Ensure the client machine (where Remmina is installed) and the server machine (being accessed remotely) are connected to the same local network.
  2. Port forwarding is not required: Since you’re accessing a machine within the same LAN, you won’t need to configure port forwarding on your router, as packets will be routed directly between the machines.
  3. Remmina is installed and configured correctly: Install Remmina on the client machine and configure it to connect to the remote desktop using the desired protocol (e.g., VNC, RDP).

Additional Tips

  • Make sure the remote desktop service is enabled and running on the server machine.
  • Configure Remmina to use the correct IP address or hostname of the server machine.
  • You may need to adjust firewall settings on the server machine to allow incoming connections.

In summary, Remmina can be used to remotely access a desktop on a local LAN, as long as both machines are connected to the same network and Remmina is installed and configured correctly.

I applaud your efforts, but:

"In summary, Remmina can be used to remotely access a desktop on a local LAN, as long as both machines are connected to the same network and Remmina is installed and configured correctly."

That must be the Captain Obvious’ cousin of AI. It’s like saying there’s no problem taking the bus to the local shopping center. You’ll get there, provided you take the bus, the bus has gas and you get off at the shopping center ...


Take a look here:

Nothing obvious stands out to me from these logs... could it be a configuration issue on the server? Maybe the logs over there show a different story.

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