No problem, let's try to get those nvidia drivers on your system
Before I mess anything up (already had to reinstall once earlier today because I used the wrong command to edit something), how exactly would I do that? I'm not sure if you're referring to the 470.74 thing, or the stuff on the annoying wall of text.
sudo apt-get remove --auto-remove dkms
and reinstall the 470.74 from the tutorial
The wall of text (Possible missing firmware) is generally harmless and can be ignored for now.
You added the x-swat repo?
I should've been less vague earlier, but that's what I meant by "Did that, and same result."
Ah okay, and yeah, I did. Should I do anything else from here?
Alright i am out here.
Same. I don't even feel motivated to continue this anymore, the error is gone anyways so I'm done with this.
Which error?
My original and first post of this thread.
Geez, I sleep for 10-hours and Gizzy's world gets turned upside down. Thanks goes to @Aravisian and @Michel for helping Gizzy out with this. The issue was unique, and required a unique solution.
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