Previously OBS app (whose source is Zorin apt) was supported. But now in Zorin 17, the app is not opening. I have to install the flatpack version but it is bulky. I think Zorin has not updated the app. If possible, do the updation.
You need to contact those who maintain the flatpak of OBS and request an update.
The Zorin app of OBS is maintained by Ubuntu which freeze the update at some point in the development. You could ask the devs at Ubuntu to update it but I doubt it will happen.
If you add the repo for Ubuntu Universe there is a cli (Command LIne Interface) .deb package in Universe Update.
I use the APT version of OBS. No problems.
So downloading from the official website is not good enough ?
Ubuntu Instructions (22.04+)
Run these commands to install OBS Studio on Ubuntu via the official PPA:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio
sudo apt update
sudo apt install ffmpeg obs-studio
I just tried running OBS on my PC. No change. You had to have done something you haven't told us about yet that's affected OBS on your PC. Weird why it doesn't work on yours and it works fine on mine (and others'?).
Look. Try downloading the .DEB file for OBS from
(Be sure to check under the Ubuntu Jammy Jellyfish category of files.)
Install that via GDebi Package Manager. Might help somehow. OK?
Good luck in any case.
You're right. The development of that app is stopped.
Just use vokoscreenNG instead. Still haven't tried the latest version of Spectacle, but that will need Plasma 6.x methinks.