Off-Topic tangent belittling members opinions

Then... you see why this: utterly uncalled for.

Accusing members of inciting "drama" for voicing their feedback of GnuLinux and its distributions will always be an effort in failure. No one is forcing you to use any Distro, nor is anyone forcing you to read feedback you do not care for.
You do not get to apply force of your own by using belittling speech to halt feedback you do not care for. That is not the action of "ignoring 'drama'".

A free and open community and forum includes the ability to give opinions, feedback and a voice to the User. At no time should members engage in elitism or pressure users into conformity using derision in such a manner.

You can consider this tangent closed at this point. Any member can have a moment of thoughtlessness or lack of consideration from time to time. All you can do is take a moment to think it over, accept personal responsibility and apply beneficial changes to improve self-expression.

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