On screen keyboard - turn off

Hi I’m hoping someone has an easy answer … each time I try to type in the terminal the screen keyboard appears, even though this is turned off in Universal Access > Settings. How can I make this stop appearing?

You can try the block caribou extension:

You might try first removing Onboard from Startup applications.

EDIT: This extension may also be handy:

Thanks Aravisan, the first link worked for me. I had to first install into Firefox the Gnome Shell Integration. From there I was able to look up block caribou and install it. Following a reboot this has made the on-screen keyboard disappear for now. I’ll try the second link in a while but for now this fixed it.


The second link is for an extension that toggles on/off many features including Onboard directly from the panel. I think.
So no pressure there, it may apply but could be handy either way.