Path for software store installations?

Hello. Micro$oft's credibility gone after remotely activating OneDrive and pirating/ uploading without permission, people's personal files, I have finally converted to Linux, as a decades-long Windoze user I decided on Zorin OS 17 (see the specs for my Acer Aspire1, if you wonder why not Mint).

I love Endless Sky and I had a bunch of plugins installed on the Windows version. However, when trying to install the plugins on Zorin OS 17, I somehow cannot find the path to where the mods need to be installed. As a new user with some currently non-replaceable files on my computer, I would rather not search too deep into a still-new-to-me, file system.

Can somebody please show me the path where to put the plugins for Endless Sky on Zorin OS 17? For that matter, the path where the Zorin Software Store installs its installations?

Thank you.

If the app is a Flatpak app it would be in /var/lib/flatpak/brand_cool-app

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Thank you, I found it in .var/app/io.github.endless_sky/data/endless_sky/plugins

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