Place 11th on Distrowatch

Zorin is now in 11th place on and I hope Zorin makes it into the top 10 in the future :+1: :+1: :+1:

Screenshot 2024-09-13 at 07-51-00 Put the fun back into computing. Use Linux BSD

I wonder how many users are using linux after microsoft releases 24H2 update. The market share is increasing, last time i checked linux already was @ 4,45%

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I wouldn't worry too much about the absolutely positioning of a distro on the site. It has a tendency to just change whenever a new version of "X" distro gets released. It's good for a quick dirty look, but being ranked even say in the mid 50s doesn't mean the distro is in a bad position. Just means sometimes they don't have a desire to constantly update and publish releases to generate more clicks to it.

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Also, Distrowatch popularity is not based on the Users of the distro or the downloads of the distro - but by how many times that Distro was looked at or up on Distrowatch, so the ranking can be misleading.


Hello @Aravisian I was not aware of this, thank you for this information.

I've been using Zorin since 08.08.24 and I'm sticking with it because Zorin works wonders for me. Distro hopping is out of the question for me, I need reliability.

Fortunately, that's what Zorin seems to offer me :star_struck:
I am totally satisfied :+1:


It is not a "nothing" either. As @applecheeks37 pointed out, it makes a good quick glance gauge to see where something rests. It is not a hard ranking but is also not invalid, either.


microsoft releases 24H2 update
Wait and see, a Windows user can endure a lot of pain.
And will love it :zipper_mouth_face:

I was also always convinced of windows for over 25 years. I just woke up 4 weeks ago to take the step to linux.

My GNU/Linux wakeup call came from a 6th Former on placement in the IT Department. My very first GNU/Linux taste was Knoppix 2.0. Even in live mode I was greeted with the voice of Borg 7 of 9 saying "All systems operational" at login. And if attempting to dual boot, Windows was referred to as "Other OS"! :rofl:

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Love Distrowatch. As @Aravisian said, it's good for a quick, dirty look. Not everyone who uses Linux actually visits Distrowatch all the time (or at all). Still, there is something to be said about the generalizability of such data. Often, it is reasonable (with limits) to take a chunk of data and the trend(s) it shows, and assume (again, with limits) that a broader portion of the greater population is subject to the same trends; that is to say, they also (in this case), probabilistically speaking, engage in the same comparable level of usage across the distribution of Linux OSes in active use. But yes. It'd be great for Zorin OS to finally crack the "top 10" on Distrowatch. Be a bit of a symbolic "win" for us, and for Arytom and Kyrill.

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