Please add feature to isolate windows to the appropriate task bar for the monitor where the app is running

This seemed to be possible in Zorin OS 16. I've tried countless GNOME extensions, and none of them work or make an impact. This feature has long existed in Windows, is huge for productivity, and is absolutely driving me crazy to have all the apps on the same taskbar.

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That might have been a feature of GNOME 3.38 on the ZOS 16 series. This may have changed in GNOME 42.9 used on GNOME 17. It may be a good idea to submit your suggestion to the GNOME developers too.

I wonder if gnome-tweaks can solve this:

display - Ubuntu does not isolate the apps in the secondary monitor through each workspace - Ask Ubuntu.

Also have you checked System Settings for Multiple Monitors (Multi-Tasking)?:

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