Please add option to switch off passwords


I'm the only one that uses my computer but often leave in sleep and when I wake it up it always wants a password.

Please give options to switch off passwords as I just want convenience and without anyone else having access to the computer I don't care much for the security.

As I said before I am not using Zorin now. But I believe if you go into power saving options there is a setting to lock screen when sleeping. I think that is on by default. If you turn that off you shouldn't have to use a password to unlock the screen when wakening. Someone who is using Zorin can clear that up if I am remembering incorrectly.


In the Settings You have in the User Tab a Toggle for automatic Login. Did You tried that?

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You can have auto login turned on. But if the screen goes blank the OS will still ask for a password if you don't turn off the lock screen function. I have always used auto login because no one else has access to my PC. But I still kept getting the request for my password after screen lock until I found that setting to turn off screen lock on screen blanking.


"Caffeine" Gnome extension allows to suspend screensaver option. Works flawlessly in Zorin 17.1

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Okay, yes. I understand. There are 2 Places for checking these Settings. One Place is in Settings=>Privacy=>Display

And the other is in the Power Settings Tab in the Settings.

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Thanks for this. Auto login wasn't working.

Sorry all for the late response.

Are you saying that the problem is now solved?

I have also moved this thread to "General Help".
You can now mark your post :ballot_box_with_check: Solved, if true that problemn is fixed.

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