Print cancel

The other day i wanted to cancel a print job sent to my printer but I could not find a way to cancel it in Zorin. How do I do that? Is there an equivalent of a control panel in Zorin? Thanks.

Just click on the printer icon in your taskbar, it will give you options

I don't have a printer icon in the task bar. How do I get the printer icon in the task bar?

Open Settings, scroll down to the Printers section, you will see your printer with a thing saying "1 Job" (or more) click on it and then you can cancel jobs.

Right click the taskbar and go into your settings and add it back in.

Sorry, I don't use Gnome so I can't give you a step by step.

It looks like I was able to do a search and answer my own question. To cancel print jobs, go into the terminal and type lpq. This will list the print jobs in the queue. Then enter cancel -a. That will cancel all print jobs in the queue.

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You can just do it from settings lol you don't need the terminal. but whatever works

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