Privado VPN

I'm trying to get Privado vpn to work with openvpn. On the Privado website i created a ovpn file but it gives me an error when i try to save it. i filled in my username and password. I found some ovpn files from another vpn company and they work, but are useless for me. They look a little bit different more lines before the certificate with code. So i took out the certificate saved it as .pem and filled in the rest then i can save it but after a few seconds it stops. So help, i hope that someone can help me. If i can't get it to work with privado i might switch back to windows again.

The fact that it works with other files but not Privado VPN's, suggests an issue on their end. I would recommend reaching out to their support to clarify the problem with them.

On the other hand, running multiple VPN's at the same time is known to cause issues. If it's all .ovpn files, it's likely not an issue. But if you've used an installer of some kind, or followed instructions to run commands in your system, you need to make sure you uninstall them properly.