Hi all,
As this seems a very interesting case, I also investigated a bit into client.wvd.microsoft.com
- DNS resolution fails with systemd-resolved stub resolver 245.4. from Ubuntu 20.04, Zorin 16.2
- DNS resolution works with systemd-resolved stub resolver 249.11 from Ubuntu 22.04
- DNS resolution fails with unbound from all versions I tried:
- unbound 1.9.4 from Ubuntu 20.04, Zorin 16.2,
- unbound 1.13.1 from Ubuntu 22.04
- unbound 1.13.1 from Debian 11
And the workaround is:
sudo ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
Now to all the details:
has a long cname cascade until it resolves to IP adresses, as we can see if it works:
host client.wvd.microsoft.com
client.wvd.microsoft.com is an alias for client.privatelink-global.wvd.microsoft.com.
client.privatelink-global.wvd.microsoft.com is an alias for client.privatelink.wvd.microsoft.com.
client.privatelink.wvd.microsoft.com is an alias for rdweb.wvd.microsoft.com.
rdweb.wvd.microsoft.com is an alias for rdweb.privatelink-global.wvd.microsoft.com.
rdweb.privatelink-global.wvd.microsoft.com is an alias for rdweb.privatelink.wvd.microsoft.com.
rdweb.privatelink.wvd.microsoft.com is an alias for rdweb-prod-geo.trafficmanager.net.
rdweb-prod-geo.trafficmanager.net is an alias for mrs-weur1c102-rdweb-prod.wvd-ase-weur1c102-prod.p.azurewebsites.net.
mrs-weur1c102-rdweb-prod.wvd-ase-weur1c102-prod.p.azurewebsites.net is an alias for waws-prod-am2-d2c3e1b3.sip.p.azurewebsites.windows.net.
waws-prod-am2-d2c3e1b3.sip.p.azurewebsites.windows.net is an alias for waws-prod-am2-d2c3e1b3.cloudapp.net.
waws-prod-am2-d2c3e1b3.cloudapp.net has address
This is probably new, and thats why its now causing issues (and not in the past). I see other recent reports as well, eg. DNS error in Linux when trying to reach client.wvd.microsoft.com - Microsoft Q&A
Here the details on how it breaks for unbound (as I get there logs easier):
root@nc01:~# unbound-host -v -d -t a client.wvd.microsoft.com
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] notice: init module 0: validator
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] notice: init module 1: iterator
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: priming . IN NS
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for . NS IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <.> 2001:7fd::1#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: priming successful for . NS IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <.> 2001:7fd::1#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <com.> 2001:503:39c1::30#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <microsoft.com.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving ns2-01.azure-dns.net. AAAA IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving ns2-01.azure-dns.net. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for ns2-01.azure-dns.net. AAAA IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <.> 2001:7fe::53#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for ns2-01.azure-dns.net. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <.> 2001:500:12::d0d#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for ns2-01.azure-dns.net. AAAA IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <net.> 2001:500:856e::30#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for ns2-01.azure-dns.net. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <net.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for ns2-01.azure-dns.net. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <azure-dns.net.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <wvd.microsoft.com.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was CNAME
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for ns2-01.azure-dns.net. AAAA IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <azure-dns.net.> 2620:1ec:8ec:700::2#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <wvd.microsoft.com.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was nodata ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <wvd.microsoft.com.> 2620:1ec:8ec:700::1#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was CNAME
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <wvd.microsoft.com.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was nodata ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <wvd.microsoft.com.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was CNAME
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for ns2-01.azure-dns.net. AAAA IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <azure-dns.net.> 2620:1ec:8ec:700::2#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <wvd.microsoft.com.> 2620:1ec:8ec:700::1#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was CNAME
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <wvd.microsoft.com.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was CNAME
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <wvd.microsoft.com.> 2620:1ec:8ec:700::1#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was CNAME
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <net.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving tm1.edgedns-tm.info. AAAA IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving tm1.edgedns-tm.info. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for tm1.edgedns-tm.info. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <.> 2001:500:a8::e#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for tm1.edgedns-tm.info. AAAA IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for tm1.edgedns-tm.info. AAAA IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <info.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for tm1.edgedns-tm.info. AAAA IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <edgedns-tm.info.> 2620:1ec:bda:10::24#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for tm1.edgedns-tm.info. AAAA IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <edgedns-tm.info.> 2620:1ec:bda:10::24#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was nodata ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for tm1.edgedns-tm.info. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <info.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for tm1.edgedns-tm.info. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <edgedns-tm.info.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <trafficmanager.net.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was CNAME
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <net.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <azurewebsites.net.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was CNAME
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <azurewebsites.net.> 2620:1ec:8ec:700::e0#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was nodata ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <azurewebsites.net.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was CNAME
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <net.> 2001:500:d937::30#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <windows.net.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving ns4-05.azure-dns.info. AAAA IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving ns4-05.azure-dns.info. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for ns4-05.azure-dns.info. AAAA IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <info.> 2001:500:1c::1#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for ns4-05.azure-dns.info. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <info.> 2001:500:1b::1#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was REFERRAL
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for ns4-05.azure-dns.info. AAAA IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <azure-dns.info.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for ns4-05.azure-dns.info. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <azure-dns.info.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for ns4-05.azure-dns.info. AAAA IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <azure-dns.info.> 2620:1ec:bda:700::2#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <azurewebsites.windows.net.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was nodata ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <azurewebsites.windows.net.>
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was nodata ANSWER
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: response for client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: reply from <azurewebsites.windows.net.> 2620:1ec:bda:700::5#53
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: query response was CNAME
[1684946047] libunbound[2439105:0] info: resolving client.wvd.microsoft.com. A IN
Host client.wvd.microsoft.com not found: 2(SERVFAIL). (error)
Here how its not working with systemd-resolved in Zorin 16.2:
resolvectl query client.wvd.microsoft.com
client.wvd.microsoft.com: resolve call failed: CNAME loop detected, or CNAME resolving disabled on 'waws-prod-am2-ce03ae4d.sip.p.azurewebsites.windows.net'
Public DNS resolvers and devices like the resolver in the fritzbox are not affected and resolve the name fine, thats why a dig @ client.wvd.microsoft.com
works fine.
As a workaround you can disable the usage of the systemd-resolved stub resolver by replacing the symlink /etc/resolv.conf with a different target:
sudo ln -sf /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf
And then it also works on Zorin 16:
chris@zorin:~$ host client.wvd.microsoft.com
client.wvd.microsoft.com is an alias for client.privatelink-global.wvd.microsoft.com.
client.privatelink-global.wvd.microsoft.com is an alias for client.privatelink.wvd.microsoft.com.
client.privatelink.wvd.microsoft.com is an alias for rdweb.wvd.microsoft.com.
rdweb.wvd.microsoft.com is an alias for rdweb.privatelink-global.wvd.microsoft.com.
rdweb.privatelink-global.wvd.microsoft.com is an alias for rdweb.privatelink.wvd.microsoft.com.
rdweb.privatelink.wvd.microsoft.com is an alias for rdweb-prod-geo.trafficmanager.net.
rdweb-prod-geo.trafficmanager.net is an alias for mrs-weur1c103-rdweb-prod.wvd-ase-weur1c103-prod.p.azurewebsites.net.
mrs-weur1c103-rdweb-prod.wvd-ase-weur1c103-prod.p.azurewebsites.net is an alias for waws-prod-am2-4fda7789.sip.p.azurewebsites.windows.net.
waws-prod-am2-4fda7789.sip.p.azurewebsites.windows.net is an alias for waws-prod-am2-4fda7789.cloudapp.net.
waws-prod-am2-4fda7789.cloudapp.net has address
This workaround survives reboots and according to the manpage(8) of systemd-resolved.service is also a proper way how to instruct systemd-resolved how to behave.