Problems with Zorin 16- desired theme missing

I would like you to please help me with the following:
I would like to be able to install the zorin95 theme from zorin 15. The reason is that the themes offered are either too light or too dark, which makes my eyes very tired.
I tried to install a game that I have been playing for several years now on linux, through Wine (Diablo 2), however, when I tried to install it, it gave me an error. Is there a possibility to install another version of Wine, uninstalling, obviously, the one that comes with Zorin 16.
Thank you very much.

You can install the package containing Zorin95 here:
I recommend that instead of double clicking to run the installer, extract the file in your downloads instead. Then, extract the file called "Data".
If using Zorin Core (Gnome):
In terminal run sudo -i to elevate to root.
Then open Nautilus in that same terminal with nautilus.

In your Elevated Nautilus instance, navigate to your ~/Downloads/ zorin-desktop-themes_2.1.5_all/data/user/share/themes/ and *copy* the Zorin95 Theme Directory.
Now navigate up to /usr/share/themes on your computer and paste the theme there.

If using Zorin Lite (XFCE):
Run pkexec thunar in terminal. Navigate to your ~/Downloads/ zorin-desktop-themes_2.1.5_all/data/user/share/themes/ and *copy* the Zorin95 Theme Directory. Now, hit the UP arrow icon on the Thunar toolbar repeatedly until it stops at Top Level Root. Double click /usr, /share and finally /themes and paste the copy of Zorin95 theme directory there.

Now you should have access to the theme in your Theme Manager Settings.

I recommend this to avoid any confusion or conflicts in installing all of the previous Zorin themes on your copy of Zorin OS 16.

Yes, but more details are needed. I recommend this be a separate thread.


Thank you very much for your help.