Anyone know how to get Project Castaway on Steam to work on Zorin ..... tried but it says it is not comparable even with Proton ..... it's on sale for $8.99 and I'd like to try it .....
Anyone know how to get Project Castaway on Steam to work on Zorin ..... tried but it says it is not comparable even with Proton ..... it's on sale for $8.99 and I'd like to try it .....
Are you using Proton Experimental?
Steam Deck compatibility says unknown, but if you scroll to the bottom of its store page, there are system requirements listed for SteamOS and Linux and it's listed as supporting SteamOS in search results. Everything I see implies it should work out of the box.
If I had the game I'd hop on and give it a try lol. Unfortunately I don't own every video game in existence. That'd be sweet, though.
Easy way to make a decision, if the steam page says the game has native Linux support, then it will launch and play out of the box.
Most games sold on Steam however, are only made for Windows or MAC. And on the majority of games, you will need to use a Proton version, to make the game launch.
Usually, older games use an older version of Proton, and newer games, use a newer version of Proton. Welcome to gaming on Linux!
Why not buy it and try it for 1 hour ? If it does not work you can refund it on steam.
Thanks for all the replies folks but right now I'm looking to find and install a 1 TB SSD to replace my aging 1 TB HDD .... but more of that in a different post .....
I will get back to this if I don't brick my laptop ..... LOL
Frog, sounds like your computer is too old for NVME super speedy SSD's, but if your computer is using an HDD, then it should also accept a 2.5" SSD. Believe it or not, they still sell them you know.
As far as brands to go with? Well, I gotta be honest, I am a big fan of Western Digital SSD and NVME drives, and thats what I have in my computer.
Typically, Samsung is known to make the best SSD drives, but they are also the most expensive too. WD makes a good middle ground, where they are not trying to push the boundaries to go beyond warp 10, and hope we don't break something in the process.
Most recently Samsung has been under fire with their most recent NVME line, something about the drives self destructing themselves. They were so pre-occupied getting their drives out on the market as quick as possible, they neglected to properly R&D test them.
There are other brands off SSD drives as well, obviously. Those other brands are typically value options, they are easier on your pocket book, but reliability/life durability, may not be the best
IMO, until Samsung gets their act together with their latest offerings, probably best option is to go with WD drives.
Frog! It's time to buy a new computer. We'll cheer on you Go Frog Go Frog Go Frog!!!
Well, if Frog is going to buy a whole new computer, and he loves Zorin OS, it would probably be better if he just bought a Star Labs machine with Zorin OS already put on it, it would save him a lot of time you know.
When I bought my MSI machine, it was a surprising amount of work to deal with the eradication of Windows that got forced onto my machine, just so I could install Zorin OS. I documented the entire battle BTW.
With Star Labs machines, you get a computer from a company that has a great business model, and you get to choose the OS that gets installed on it, before it even gets to you. Better living when your not pulling your hair out. lol
No way .... I will die with this laptop clutched in my cold cold hands .... LOL .....