I'm sure the developers of ZorinOS get this question all the time, but I was wondering if we have any idea of when ZorinOS 17.2 is going to release? I'm relatively new to Zorin, and I'm actually planning to buy the full version, but I don't want to bother buying a copy until the next release. I can't really get a good idea of the next release based on their past release schedule, so I'm just wondering if the developers have given a rough time-frame on 17.2 (i.e. third quarter 2024, etc).
If you buy the Pro version now, it'll apply to all minor versions of Zorin OS 17, that is, 17.3, 17.4, etc. It doesn't matter when these are released. For context, as Zorin OS 17 is based on Ubuntu 22.04, it'll continue to receive support until 2027.
The Zorin Group doesn't really have a schedule for when the next version will be released, so you'll just have to wait and see. For major versions (next would be Zorin OS 18), based on previous releases, you can expect something like 18~20 months or so. But again, no deadlines or schedules are provided; this is all strictly on a release when ready basis.
The problem is that I don't want to have the deal with big updates whenever I need to reinstall my OS. I'd rather have the newest version possible. I don't mind waiting though. I'm sure 17.2 will be released soon.
I really don't understand your logic, here.
If you prefer to avoid big updates, running your software updater regularly will keep everything up to date; including the upgrades for 17.2 when released.
If you reinstall (to move to Pro) or use the Zorin Upgrader; either way will put you on the latest packages in the repository.
You are not avoiding anything by waiting for 17.2
If you were waiting for the release of Zorin 18, prior to the Zorin Upgrader path being introduced, I would understand it. That would have necessitated a full reinstall of the O.S. But now, that is upgradable directly.
If you install 17.1 now, it will automatically become 17.2, 17.3 ... etc if you allow normal OS updates via the software updater, i.e. you will get all the subsequent Z17 point releases without need for re-installation.
You only need to (clean) install or use the upgrader tool when the time comes to move to Z18, which will be some time away.
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