Realme Book Prime Keyboard Weird Key Placement

Hello everyone! :smile:

I've recently bought a Realme Book Prime AZERTY and I have a problem. The placement of the keys > greater and < lower is weird. (on the right side of the spacebar).

Do you have any idea of what kind of layout is it ?
Or any solutions to remap this button?
I need it for learning code dev.

Thanks !

Welcome to the forum!

As for the layout, it seems to me an AZERTY layout, although I don't run that. I'm unsure if someone else may know, but if you go to keyboard layouts in the Settings app, there would be the location to select different layouts there (and hopefully an AZERTY layout as well).

As for what that button does, what does it do now? Or is it a situation of you don't have the right keymap for this keyboard at all right now and it's pretending that it's a Qwerty board? There are ways to remap keyboard presses, but just wanting to figure out what's going on here first.

I was recently looking for an 11" used laptop and I only wanted to spend $50, and a lot of what I saw in that price range (because the region I'm in does not typically use that layout) had a "French keyboard" and they looked just like that. With AZERTY spelled out instead of QWERTY.

One general tip if you're using it to code, get an external keyboard to use with it, at least when you're at home. It would be annoying to travel with, but even just using an external keyboard at home will save a ton of wear on the laptop keyboard, which is more costly to replace, and which will detract the resale value for a worn or shabby keyboard. Besides which an external keyboard can be much more comfortable when using it for long periods at a time.

I don't know about remapping just that button, I would try seeing if I could switch the layout to the one I already have muscle memory for first. When I was switching between QWERTY and Cyrillic QWERTY, a kind friend from Ukraine sent me keyboard stickers for the Cyrillic layout. I suppose you can find keyboard stickers for the QWERTY layout, if you are just learning it can be helpful.

It's a pretty nice looking laptop, from your image the case looks almost identical to the 15" or 11" MacBooks (Pro and Air) I have.

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Okay, so I found a solution.

  • Firstly, I've manually checked the settings and this keyboard layout doesn't exist at all. It must be a basic QWERTY keyboard modified by Realme to make it AZERTY. On standard AZERTY keyboards, the lower than / greater than β€œ< and >” button is to the right of the left shift key. They had to find a solution by moving the key elsewhere.

  • In practice, this key acts like the CtrRight key. My solution was to keep the AZERTY layout and remap my β€œ< and >” key (which acts like Control Right) and invert it with the greater than / less than key (which doesn't β€œexist” on this keyboard).

My solution is :

  • To remap my key with the right key, go to (even if you are in Wayland)
  • In this folder, edit the file evdev (You may have to be in admin to edit the file)

  • Swap the numbers of <LSGT> and <RCTL> (Swap ONLY the numbers)
    In my case, the numbers was 94 for LSGT and 105 for RCTL, swap them.

  • Save and reboot, and voilΓ  !


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