Reinstalled Zorin Pro

OK here is the latest on my attempt to straighten out my partitions with GParted .... as you can see I managed to add a few more partitions but didn't accomplish what I started out to do ....

So what to do next .... I used the slide bar to move the size of the partition but all it wanted to do was move the allocated space from the front to the end of the partition itself .... or something like that .... LOL

Are you increasing home or root?

If you want to increase home you will have to move it to the left then increase it right. You can perform both in the same run.

If you want to increase root just slide the right end of the partition to the right to include that space.


Thank you for your reply .... I guess it all depends on where it would do the most good .... do I need more in /Root or if not I guess put it all into /Home ..... if in /Home that would increase to about 807GIB ...

I do want to store Photos .... Videos and games (eventually) .... is 102GIB enough for Root .... I plan on using different desktops and other programs ....

I have 3 different desktop environments, multiple programs in addition to the provided ones in pro and only using about 50GB. But i also don't clear out the logs often or temp files used in updates. I should, but don't need to that regularly.

I would add it to home, that's where your downloads, pictures, videos and other such things will be stored. Root will house the majority of your apps, DE's and kernel updates (don't remove them until your sure your system is ok with those new kernels). We can repartition later if you choose to.


Thank you sir .... I'll work on that the first chance I get .... I'm sure I will have other questions .... don't I always .... LOL

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