[Released 12/9/21] Zorin OS 16 Lite?

I am happy to know it won't take as much configuring to make everything work right. I assume your theme will not come with a custom cursor, I'll probably have to source my own as usual, unless, you have that rocket theme in your REPO. I really hope Jeff jumps onboard with all of this two, it be cool if Jeff customized his beyond default LITE.

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I'm hoping Zorin OS Lite 16 will be a significant improvement over the previous version. They should include more useful apps as well as more amazing stuff. Zorin OS is one of my favorite distro. This is my first Linux distribution, and it's lightning quick. Since March 2021, I've been using this distro. :innocent: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :heart_eyes: :star_struck:


I have simple taste. Good wall paper, understandable and pleasant looking icons, and a theme/colors to match.
For me it's more about performance over aesthetics. If I want to see beauty, I just have to look into the mirror....lol

Wait for it...

Wait for it....


Doesn't everyone have this mirror in their home...? Or is it just me...


Your referring to a mirror that lies to you when you look in it? Yeah, I think we all have those. :stuck_out_tongue:


I have a mirror with a photo of Kate Beckinsale. So when I look into it, kind of
looks like we're together....lol

I'm kidding, I don't. That would be sad. Funny, but sad.

Zorin OS 16 / 17 August 2021; 2 months ago (2021-08-17)

I wondered what that was about...

Oh wow Jeff....Hmm...We need to talk. So if you can come in on Saturday, that would be great. :neutral_face:

Jeff, or Jeff's stunt double? :woman_cartwheeling:

ST, the only cure for my issues is Lite. For me and my stunt double.
Lite cures a lot of issues for many people...


Now we present, a cure-all patent medicine "Lite"

Every household should have one.
Available soon (TM)


Have this odd feeling today is the day....

But I could be wrong.... Again....lol


Jeff, I'll always be here for ya buddy if you don't get your LITE, your especially not alone in this, cause I want LITE too now. :+1:

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I know there were some added reasons for delay, from what I've read on the post,
however....lol I don't recall it ever being this long. This seems too long. Way...

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Still waiting for Zorin OS Lite 16 :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :joy: :rofl: Please release it soon :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :wink: :laughing: :rofl:

I know how you feel!

Curious, what kind of machine will you be installing LITE on? And will you be installing on a NVME SSD too?

on this site mentions Zorin 16 Os lite


Note the option at the bottom "Notify when available." :wink:


Talking about a small print :roll_eyes:

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@Aravisian I love it. Are you sure you are not a lawyer not a mechanic spotting the small print like that. :rofl:


It's the only blue thing on the screen...

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