Replacing Gnome software with an alternative?

tried with every icon theme i had and a few more i downloaded after and they all have the same problem

but the icons of the available apps do load fine, it's just on here on the image

You can see in my screenshot that my icons do show up. But they are my own made set.
You might test an icon theme by making a copy in your ~.icons directory and ensuring you have ownership of the icon theme directory.
Open that themes index.theme file in a text editor.
See if it contains the following grouping:


If it lacks that - try adding that in. Save the file. Reload your desktop and see if the icons appear.

that was already there

I'm gonna try reloading the desktop just in case, but that code you sent seemed to already have been there

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reloading the desktop didn't fix it

then I tried with the gnome desktop and the problem is also there, so this doesn't seem like a cinnamon problem

In fact, in gnome gets worse, the app icon doesn't load either (it does load on cinnamon)

Can you run

sudo apt install qt5ct qt5-style-plugins

If using Cinnamon, you can launch Nemo... If using Gnome, launch Nautilus.

sudo -i




Navigate to /etc/profile.d
Open and remove the line there, blanking the file. Save and close.
Next, open and change its contents to:


Once all done - reboot and test.

none of them seem to be here... is this a bad thing?

That is odd... I would swear that comes in Zorin OS.
You can just create the file and paste in


and save the file.

Apper on my abridged KDE Plasma on Antix:

If you click on the box top right it opens up General Settings / Software Origins Tabs:

that didn't solve the problem, but it made the size scaling of the app bigger (which is more than welcome since i considered it a bit too small before), but the main problem still is there

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Is this issue present on any icon theme or just some?

it's on every icon theme

my laptop is kinda old and sometimes I've heard the hdd make screeching noises, plus now it takes around 4 or 5 hours to resize a partition

Do you think this problem that we are trying to solve may have been caused by a file getting corrupted or dissappearing? This is not the first app that shows weird behaviour, radeontop sometimes has been acting like way too much vram was in use
Captura de pantalla de 2023-09-27 00-00-51

I did have some issues with Apper similar to what you are experiencing when I was running Devuan (I think!) The fact that your HDD is making screeching noises could well be an indication of imminent hard drive failure. Run Disks and run a diagnostic.

I would be tempted to upgrade your ageing notebook with an SSD.


I did run that a month or two ago and what didn't say "old" said "pre-failure", but it was working fine and wasn't making the screeching back then, so I didn't think it was that bad

I was thinking of buying a new laptop: as much as I'd like to keep this one, the hdd is almost failing, the battery health is at 48%, it sometimes randomly shuts down when it's not plugged in (not the hdd's fault since it happens since a year ago) and I think something's going on with the cooling, because it now always makes noise when on battery saving mode while it used to be quiet even on performance mode when I didn't have heavy programs open

I dont mind always using it plugged in, but that's not the ideal thing to take to university, so while i wait until I can buy a new laptop, im gonna install zorin lite on a sd card and boot from that so i dont lose any work

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