Screenshot drop down menu

Urm... I fall down at this point. I am still using Zorin OS 16.3 - Lite.
I do not use Gnome.

The new Zorin OS 17 Core uses Gnome 43 which integrated the screenshot tool into the Gnome Shell since the standard modular gnome-screenshot does not work properly with Wayland and they had a Wayland agenda to push.

I am not sure if it is fleshed out and has all the settings it should. Can a 17 Core user helpfully chime in on this?

Another option may be to switch from Wayland to Xorg and then install the original gnome-screenshot application.

Since I am in grumpy mode, today, I will point out in brutal honesty - I have benchmarked Wayland vigorously and the difference in speed between it and X11 (Xorg) measures in the milliseconds, far below human perception.
It is possible that some users may be able to perceive faster performance when performing intense graphical work on Wayland. This beconmes a case of noticeable, if negligible. I point this out in case the idea of using Xorg makes you feel like you will be reverting to a turtles back with the turtle riding a snail.
Ignore Reddit. You really won't see a speed difference.