Service inactive but have enabled several times

systemctl status ratbagd
ā—‹ ratbagd.service - Daemon to introspect and modify configurable mice
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ratbagd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Active: inactive (dead)

Any way to make this service start at boot. I was under the impression once the service is enabled it will start with boot but says inactive. Help!

It may have crashed while trying to start, did you check the logs for any errors with it?

sudo journalctl -xe

I think you can also add the -b flat to that, and it'll only show logs since the last boot, which for this case it may make the task easy.

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I find interesting that there not simply stands inactive. There stands inactive (dead).

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Despite the inactive status it appears to be working or at least my user defined mouse buttons are.

Looking at the service unit file, it looks like it's simply not set as a dependency for any other service. That's why is not being launched at boot.

I assume the developers made this only as a means for users to have controls over this should they wish to, but the changes are made only when the package is installed.

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