Session is killed after Login

I have encountered a strange behaviour of Zorin 17.
When I lock my screen, being AFK for more than 10 minutes and then want to login again either my screen turns black and I have to restart my computer or my session gets killed and I have to login again, with all my open applications being shutdown.

If I lock my screen and login immediately again this problem does not occur.

Any help is very much appreciated.




Same here. When my screen locks due to inactivity my session restarts automatically when I log again. All programs running before are killed and when I reopen the browser it asks me if I want to restore my sessions like it was closed due to a abruptly shutdown.

Best Regards,


Today I found out what was killing my session after the screen locks. When my notebook turns the lights of, It just doesn't lock my screen but It was also suspending my computer to save energy. I disabled the automatic suspension in settings > energy > power button behaviour. Now my computer locks my session after a period of inactivity but It keeps its state as expected. I had this same problem with others Linux distros. It looks like Linux still doesn't work well with suspension.

Best Regards,


I'm having the same issue even though auto-suspend is turned off.

I also initially thought the issue could be power setting related.



I'm still having the same issue. When I turned off auto-suspend I thought It had "fixed" the issue, but It strangely just reduced it. Maybe it was just my perception that the problem had reduced. Anyway, the issue persists.

Best Regards,

I'm having the same issue.

I was using Pop OS and that didn't happen. I installed Zorin OS core yesterday.