Settings has disappeared

My Settings has vanished from the Zorin main menu and from the Other Menu on second screen.
If I try to enable system setting in the Main Menu tool it doesn't show up and when I go back it is deselected again. Please can someone help. Thanks.


I found the app in Software, so it seems to have got uninstalled somehow. How do I get it back in the right place on the menus.

Did you try typing "Settings" in the search box. I am wondering if the menu item has just become misplaced.
Does Settings cog appear if you click on right side of taskbar e.g. on sound or wifi icons?

You can also launch it from the terminal, but I'm not sure if this will bring the icon back:


Maybe you should try to reinstall the Gnome Settings. For this open the Terminal and type sudo apt reinstall gnome-control-center

Try resetting the menu.

You may also have to reboot after.

no it's gone from there too.

apt update/upgrade seem to have restored the settings to their normal places.

it updated:
The following packages will be upgraded:
gnome-shell-extension-zorin-menu google-chrome-stable libnss3 libxnvctrl0
linux-signatures-nvidia-6.5.0-27-generic nvidia-settings