I'm not sure this is the right forum, I would appreciate it if you could direct me to the right forum.
When you open a download, the folder where the download is located is opened, without highlighting the requested file, when there is a folder with many files it is difficult to find the file.
On the desktop when the file has a long name, clicking on it selects the file but does not display the full name of the file, a problematic issue when it comes to files with similar names and different endings. Yes, it is possible to access folder view and see the full file name, but it would be nice if it could be done directly from the desktop.
When the operating system boots, it does not mount to the connected drives, and only when they are clicked are they mounted to the file explorer. Since I use an additional physical drive for storage and downloading files, if I run the file sharing software, it gives me an error message, and I have to first access the drive and only then run the software.
For #3, there should be options to automatically mount your drives on system startup. For a simple way:
Go to Disks
Select the drive on the left
Click the settings (cog) icon
Edit mount options
Within that menu there should be a "mount at system startup" option that you can turn on. That being said however, I do know that sometimes if it's an NTFS drive it can be a little more hassle: How To Automount File Systems on Linux - LinuxBabe
As for the other 2, those seem more like a feedback deal (especially number 2, that's a whole Gnome thing where stuff on the desktop is not appreciated lol), so I'm going to go ahead and move the thread to feedback.
Regarding #2:
I don't typically save files and open them from the desktop so I might not be addressing your issue. But, I created a file with a long name on my desktop. As expected the name is truncated. I then right clicked on the file desktop icon and selected properties. Since I had a very long file name it truncated here too but further to the right. To see the entire name, I could either resize the properties window or place my cursor in the name and let it scroll to the right. I am guessing you're looking for something still a little more direct but this is what I found.
As per @applecheeks37's recommendation, you can adjust this as needed. Note that what works for you might not be ideal for others. For example, I very much prefer my drives to mount only when I access them.