Haven’t played Budgie yet but I used to listen to them Anyway I’ve been playing with KDE plasma and I like it so far and I really do like the arch. But I have to look into the budgie In the future
The BlueJ icon is the best I have seen:
Is Github the same as Pling allowing you to download other peoples theme items and use them to customized your DE or is it just made to use coding to build your own theme items????? .....
Does it work just like Pling .... I went to the Github website and saw where you can get a free account but with Pling you don't need an account .... from what I read on line Github is mostly just for developers .....
Yes, you can download the packages from Github by clicking the "Clone" or "download" button.
For Themes on Github, you should have no trouble. Just extract and move to ~/.themes.
For other software... Yes, you could run into unfamiliar territory.
Thanks ..... maybe I'll poke around a bit just to see what's up ..... at least I can't hurt anything unless I download something to my laptop so I should be fairly safe ....
Unless it's a malware you are downloading!
Github seems a bit odd at first when you're looking for downloading things, but when you've familiarized with it, it's easy.
Oh please say it ain't so .....
Thanks Storm .... I guess it is like most new software and programs ..... when I first downloaded XnView MP I hated it as they said it was a replacement for Infraview and it wasn't .... it was just like Infraview only different much different .... it does all the same things just differently ...... but now after many many hours of running it I love it ... ya just gotta get you head around it I guess .....
We'll see about Github ... at least I won't be coding .... I don't know how ....
Hi, this looks really cool really nice job!
If you are still accepting suggestion for new icons, I'd love to see these ones added to the list:
*I saw this is already included but could you add the icon as it's shown in the favicon of the site, with the rounded background?
Just some suggestions, as these icons look great
Thanks, I'll look into it.
Version 4.1 is now out!
Maybe I downloaded the wrong package, got it from GitHub and thought it was the latest (it says 4.1) but they all look like this (I should point out that I have not yet tried the theme as I'm in another pc right now but I'll try over sometime this week):
But yeah, that's pretty much what I was looking for, sorry for being picky about it
It will be awhile before I release another version of Shade of Z (going to build upon my other icon theme), but here's the icons you requested. The icons goes to /Shade of Z - [color]/apps/scalable
I was messing with my displays and when the prompt comes up to confirm the changes, I noticed that there's no icon for it when I use Ctrl + TAB to switch between running applications. I couldn't take a screenshot of it because I was already pressing keys, so I recorded a quick demo:
I am not using Zorin 16 on this laptop so maybe that's the issue. But in any case thought it might be worth letting you know about it. I'm not sure if I can provide some information to help with this?
I have no idea what icon that can be...
The way I would try to ID is is to run that switcher, while trying different Icon themes. When the icon is showing included in the theme you are using, look up that icon by visual recognition.
I just tried with another theme to check it out but as I wasn't sure where to look for the icons on the default themes installed I used another 3rd party that I previously had tried called Nordzy-Dark. I found that icons under:
I don't see that same directory in Shade of Z, could it be that is looking into another directory perhaps some default for themes? Sorry again, but as you can see I'm a little lost when it comes to file structure and looking for this type of graphic icons
EDIT: I can't upload the icon but this is the svg for it as it appears under this particular theme
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="48" height="48" viewBox="0 0 38.4 38.4">
<path d="m 8.4 4.8 c -2 0 -3.6 1.588 -3.6 3.56 l 0 21.677 c 0 1.973 1.607 3.563 3.6 3.563 l 21.6 0 c 1.993 0 3.6 -1.59 3.6 -3.563 l 0 -21.675 c 0 -1.973 -1.607 -3.562 -3.6 -3.563 m -18 4 14.4 0 0 12.8 -4.8 0 0 0.8 -4.8 0 0 -5.6 4.8 0 0 -3.2 -4.8 0 0 1.6 -4.8 0 z m 4.8 16 4.8 0 0 4.8 -4.8 0 z" style="fill:#88c0d0"/>