Small design flaw in Zorin Menu in an otherwise beautiful system

First of all, I love Zorin OS because it is by far the most beautiful Linux I have ever seen. The attention to detail that went into the UX design is unmatched.

There is however a small issue that I encounter in the Zorin Menu.
I use overlay scrollbars and I run 4K displays where I've set scaling to 200% to get the retina-like rendering.

Unfortunately, the Zorin Menu seems to use the "wrong" scrollbars (see screenshot)

For a comparison, the left sidebar of the "Settings" panel has the scrollbar implemented correctly, as it will fade out when the mouse is hovered over the sidebar but the user doesn't scroll the mouse wheel.

I think, this should be easy to fix.

However, thanks to the Zorin team for such a stunning system :slightly_smiling_face:


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Did You tried it with turn off and then turn on the Overlay Scroll Bar? Maybe in Combination with a Reboot? And don't forget: When You change the Overlay Scrollbar Setting, You have to restart the Program to get affected.

I also dislike this, that's mostly the reason why I use ArcMenu.

This may not help much, but if you're using Zorin OS Pro, you do have access to more menu layout options. I personally use the Windows 11-style menu (with a couple of minor changes made through the taskbar settings), so what you're talking about is way less noticeable for me (since the scrollbar is moved to the right of everything within the menu, and isn't right smack in the middle). I know this comes down to personal preference, which is why I said at the start that this "may not help much." But why don't you play around with the different layouts (assuming you have the "pro" version) and see what else works better for you? Good luck.

P.S.: I suggest you buy the "pro" edition; it's a good way to support Zorin.

Hi, thanks for your reply. I tried this by deactivating overlay scrollbars and log out and log in (also with ALT+F2 and then "R") then activating again and log out/in but unfortunately that's not fixing it. It seems to me that the Zorin Menu might ignore the global overlay scrollbars settings.

Hi and thanks for the tip. I kinda like the Raven layout :slightly_smiling_face:

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Hi and thanks for your reply. At the moment, I'm just exploring some options and testing out different systems. So far, I like Zorin the most. I wouldn't rule out buying the Pro version sometime in the future (although I'm not really interested in the extra software that comes bundled) but right now I don't want to commit.

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One other Idea to this:

Did You tried to switch between Wayland and Xorg? To check what is active, go to Settings>About and look there for a Line ''Window Manager'' or ''Display Manager'' or similar and look if ther stands Wayland or X11.

To switch, go to the Login Screen (not the Lock Screen). Simply reboot for this. On the Login Screen click on Your Profile so that the Password Field appears. It has to ba appeared. When it is appeared, You should see in the bottom right Corner a Gear Icon. Click on it. There should be 2 Options:

  • Zorin Desktop (That is the Wayland Option)
  • Zorin Desktop on Xorg

What Mode is active, You can see at the Dot at the Beginning. Click on the not active one, log in and test if it works.

Yes, I tried that too. Unfortunately, it's the same there.