Some linux distros (namely Elementary OS) include a neat feature which allows users to copy and paste into the terminal simply with Ctrl + C
and Ctrl + V
. It automatically detects whether the user wants to copy something or terminate a command. After experiencing it, I wish that every distro included this feature. It is easy to implement yet it makes working with the Terminal more fluid and natural. Personally I find the Ctrl + shift +C/V
very awkward to use while on the other hand Ctrl + C/V
just come naturally. Specifically since Zorin is also targetted at Windows users who want to migrate, it is extremely alien to them that Ctrl + C/V
does not copy or paste. I assume many people even have to look the shortcut up on the internet.
I like those new feature
Ich habe fast 20 Jahre mit Apple Mac. vor zwei Jahren dann hatte ich die Schnauze voll und wechselte zu Elementary OS.
Now I just switched from ElementaryOS to ZorinOS. In der Tat habe ich die einfache Copy-Paste Möglichkeit, die ich aus Elementary kannte, gesucht.
Unfortunately I have to relearn for the terminal now. Too bad.
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