Software Update Repeating Error

Hi This Software Update error keeps appearing when i boot up.
I'm running ZorinOS 17 Pro
'Failed to build a45f35ac0e948ee180fe216a5f703
Screenshot from 2024-01-02 13-24-10

Can you try running in terminal:

flatpak update

flatpak update
Looking for updates…

Nothing to do.

Do you have any files pending in /var/lib/fwupd/?
e.g. /var/lib/fwupd/pending.db

ls /var/lib/fwupd

ls /var/lib/fwupd

gnupg metadata pending.db pki quirks.d remotes.d

Remove that:

killall gnome-software

sudo rm /var/lib/fwupd/pending.db

Launch Software and test...

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Removed file, rebooted, launched Software Update and no longer getting error.

Thanks fam :heart:

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