SOLUTION? : Wifi hotspot unable to connect on mobile

If you are having problems with the Wifi Hotspot on Zorin and gave up on using this feature ( like me weeks ago ), i have a (possible) solution.

I tried a command that, in thesis, disables pmf and solves the issue.

nmcli c modify Hotspot 802-11-wireless-security.pmf 1

Don't ask me why this works or how, it worked for me. Use with caution.


There ist the Word ''security'' ... I hope this doesn't turn off some important Security Functions. Is here someone who could say that it is no Problem to use that?

A little article I found on this is here:

It seems like for home users and the like, this should not be a large security concern, but I would be possibly wary about this in large populated centres. The disabling is basically a recommendation if your device/drviers for that device don't support this. Most likely not needed for things recent, but older devices could possibly see the need for it.